Agenda item

Partner and Community Updates

To note the attached written updates:


a)    Police – Neighbourhood Policing Team update - Wilton

b)    Fire – October update attached

c)    Youth Advisory Group (YAG) – minutes attached

d)    Youth Update

e)    Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) – NHS 111 Service update

f)     Wiltshire Council Items for Information

g)    Wilton Town Team – minutes attached

h)   PCC – Link to ‘One Year On’ booklet:


The Board will also receive any verbal updates from partners present, including:


·         Katie Salter – Tennant Participation Officer


Note: Speakers are reminded that they each have a 3 minutes slot, unless they have previously discussed alternative arrangements with the Community Area Manager.


Police – Neighbourhood Policing Team – Inspector Noble

There had been 11 arrests over the last few weeks related to outside dwelling burglaries. Beat Officers would be providing advice to local people on preventative measures. This work would extend into the Christmas period.


Inspector Alan Webb had secured an additional Police Sergeant and Police officer in Mere.


Information concerning the decommissioning of Salisbury Police Station included:


·       Prisoners would be transported to the custody suite in Melksham, until a new purpose built suite was built in Salisbury.

·       Some of the Police business would be moving to an estate already in use in Amesbury. This is where the police officers would start and end their shift from.

·       Other Police services would be co-located with Wiltshire Council in Bourne Hill Salisbury, until the completion of the Salisbury Campus.

·       In the long-term, the Neighbourhood Police Teams would occupy space in the Community Campuses.


The Board noted the written update for the Wilton Community area attached to the agenda and the Mere and Tisbury updates which had been circulated at the meeting.



The Board noted the written update attached to the agenda.


Youth Advisory Group (YAG)

The Board noted the minutes from the last meeting of the YAG held on 7 October 2013.


Youth Update

The Board noted the written update from the Youth Work Team, attached to the agenda.


Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)

The Board noted the NHS 111 Service update attached to the agenda.


Wiltshire Council Items for Information

The Board noted the Drainage Bylaws update attached to the agenda.


Wilton Town Team

The Board noted the minutes from the last three meetings of the Wilton Town Team, attached to the agenda.


Police and Crime Commissioner – Angus Macpherson

The board noted the link to the PCC – ‘One Year On’ booklet:


Angus Macpherson explained that the PCC would be running a consultation on the police and crime element of council tax for 2014/15; this would run from Monday 6 January to Monday 3 February 2014.

The Commissioner is considering an increase in the police and crime element of council tax of £3.15 a year for the average home (band D property). This is to help reduce the impact of significant central government grant reductions on policing and crime services in Wiltshire and Swindon.


An average increase of £3.15 per household would provide the Commissioner with an additional £740,000 of local income for 2014-15.


Tennant Participation Officer – Katie Salter

Wiltshire Council is the social landlord to around 5,400 tenants in the south of Wiltshire. The role of a Tenant Participation Officer was to empower and support tenants by assisting them to become more involved through inclusion.


Some of the assistance provided included:


·       Delivering digital inclusion, providing access to computers, enabling tenants to claim their benefits under the Universal Credit Scheme.

·       Financial inclusion, providing training courses on money matters.


The Chairman thanked all of the partners and speakers for their updates.


Supporting documents: