Agenda item

Task Group Update/Forward Work Programme

A report by the Senior Scrutiny Officer providing an update on Task Group activity since the Committee’s last meeting together with the Forward Work Programme is attached.


The Select Committee received an update on the activity of the following Task Groups since the last meeting together with the Committee’s Forward Work Programme:-


·                Safeguarding Children and Young People Task Group


·                Further Education in the Salisbury Area Task Group


·                Further Education Task Group – It was noted that the Overview & Scrutiny Management Committee had endorsed the setting up of this Task Group as part of the O&S forward work programme and all Members had been emailed inviting interest in taking part.  The following Members of this Committee so far had offered to serve on this Task Group:

Cllr Jon Hubbard; Cllr Jacqui Lay; Dr Mike Thompson; Kaylum House.


·                SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities) Task Group - The Chairman reminded Members that at its meeting on 1 October 2013, the Committee agreed that children and young people with SEN and Learning Difficulties and/or Disabilities (LLDD) would be a key part of its forward work programme.  This also reflected the topic being a priority within the Council’s Business Plan 2013-17. A task group was established and authority was delegated to the Chairman to seek membership.


The Chairman had asked Alice Kemp to lead on developing the task group given her role as the Committee’s SEN parent governor representative, her knowledge of SEND and her experience on the Special Schools and Post-16 SEN Task Group.  The Chairman had met with Alice Kemp, the Senior Scrutiny Officer and executive members to discuss the executive’s priorities for SEND and where the Task Group might add the most value.  They proposed that the following terms of reference be adopted:-


To explore how we can best prepare young people with SEND for Adulthood, including:


Ø  Local education and training options, including managing transitions

Ø  Planning for employment and supporting local employers to employ young people with SEND

Ø  Providing housing options to support young people with SEND to live in their communities

Ø  Developing communities that are inclusive, welcoming and supportive of young people with SEND



·                Schools and the Local Authority Task Group – It was reported that following on from the last Select Committee meeting, the Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Cllr Philip Whalley had met with the Associate Director (joint with CCG) for Commissioning, Performance and School Effectiveness, the Head of School Effectiveness and the Portfolio Holder for Schools to discuss this and gain the executive’s views on where scrutiny could contribute.   During discussion the following aspects of the academies’ programme had been considered:


(i)            The process schools followed when becoming an academy.  It was concluded that there was limited opportunity to add value here for the following reasons:


§    Schools received advice direct from the DfE and other bodies on process when pursuing the academies option.


§    The LA had a limited role in advising schools on process.


(ii)          The best leadership models for academy schools.  It was concluded that there was limited opportunity to add value here for the following reason:


·                The LA had no role in directing schools in their choice of leadership model.


(iii)         The take-up and effectiveness of services sold to academy schools by the LA.  It was concluded that a scrutiny exercise could be effective in this area by examining the following:


·                Is the LA offering schools the services they want?


·                Are these services popular and effective?


·                The services task group focuses on should be around ‘educational excellence’ rather than HR, payroll etc


The following members of this Committee so far had offered to serve on this Task Group:

Ken Brough, John Hawkins and Cllr Philip Whalley.




(1)       To note the update on Task Group activity provided.


(2)       To endorse the appointment of Ken Brough to membership of the Safeguarding Children and Young People Task Group.


(3)       To appoint the following members to serve on the Further Education Task Group - Cllr Jon Hubbard; Cllr Jacqui Lay; Dr Mike Thompson; Kaylum House.



(a)          To agree the suggested terms of reference for the SEND Task Group.


(b)         To seek nominations to serve on this Task Group.


(5)                          (a)        To agree the following terms of reference of the Schools and the Local Authority Task Group:


(i)            To explore how the Council promotes excellence and fulfil its statutory duties to children and young people in Wiltshire’s schools.

(ii)          To explore whether the education services offered by the Council meet the needs of schools and students, and if not, how they could be developed to help improve outcomes.


(b)             To seek nominations to serve on this Task Group.

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