Agenda item

Town, Parish and Partner Updates

To note the written updates provided and answer any questions arising from the floor:


a)     Town and Town Councils

b)     Wiltshire Police

c)     Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service

d)     Wiltshire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)

e)     Chippenham and Villages Area Partnership (ChAP)

f)     Chippenham Vision

g)     Chippenham Campus Development Team

h)     Youth Issues update

 i)     Chippenham Partnership of Schools

 j)     Other Community Groups


Updates from partners were received as follows:


      i.        Wiltshire Police

The written report from Wiltshire Police was noted. Sergeant Phil Connor had nothing to add to the report but did confirm that the  team were looking to improve consultation with parish councils.  Reporting was taking place on a quarterly basis but parish councils were also welcome to contact the team at Monkton Park with any issues.


Details of the Neighbourhood Policing team were:


    ii.        Parish and Town Councils

The following written reports were noted.

·         Christian Malford Parish Council

·         Grittleton Parish Council

·         Kington Langley Parish Council

·         Seagry Parish Council

·         Sutton Benger Parish Council


No further updates were provided.  However, some Parish Councils in attendance highlighted that many issues raised were duplicated from other parishes and requested that future agendas could perhaps include specific items on these subjects.


The Chairman reminded Parishes that they were welcome to attend agenda setting (ABC) meetings and could contact either the Community Area Manager or the Chairman to request attendance or indeed to request specific consideration of items if unable to attend.


Ensuing discussion included the benefits of some meetings taking place in a rural setting within the parishes themselves and how parishes had the opportunity to network at the meetings and work together on key issues.  Parish representatives were also reminded that they could also raise issues of concern with their local Wiltshire Councillor.


The Chairman acknowledged the comments received and confirmed that the Board would welcome suggestions for future items which would be considered at the agenda setting meeting accordingly.


   iii.        Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service

Due to ongoing technical difficulties there was no update provided for the agenda, however Kit Watson was in attendance to answer any operational questions arising. 


Mike Franklyn was given the opportunity to read out an announcement from the Chief Fire Officer as follows.


Wiltshire Fire and Rescue were undertaking a public consultation on closer working arrangements with Dorset Fire and Rescue Service.  An annual budget shortfall of between £3.1m to £3.9m was expected and required resolution by 2017/18.  To protect frontline services an options appraisal was undertaken and a business case to combine authorities was being developed.


No decisions had or would be made until October when the business case would be made by the fire authorities of Wiltshire and Swindon.  Stakeholders would be consulted as part of the process which would include providing leaflet information and questionnaires in public buildings (such as libraries), details available on line, information sent to key partners, including parish and town councils and forums held.  The draft business case would be supported by other documents all of which would be made available on fire authority website and upon request.  The consultation itself would run from 21 July to 20 October.


Although unable to answer any questions about the consultation, Mike Franklyn confirmed that he was able to take questions back to the Chief Fire Officer should there be any.  No questions arose.


   iv.        Wiltshire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)

The written report was noted.


    v.        Chippenham Partnership of Schools

The written report was noted.

Supporting documents: