Agenda item

S/2012/1603/S73: Stonehenge Campsite, Berwick St James, Salisbury, SP3 4T


Public Participation

Mr Paul Grant, applicant, spoke in support of the application.


The Planning Officer introduced a report which recommended that permission be granted. Key issues included details of a planning appeal decision as detailed in the agenda papers, and the acceptability of the revised lighting scheme that had been submitted.


Members of the Committee then had the opportunity to ask technical questions of the officer, where clarity was sought on the views of the light consultant, and that for previous refusals the presence of uplighting had been a principle concern, and these were no longer proposed.


Members of the public then had the opportunity to present their views to the Committee, as detailed above.


The Local Member, Councillor Ian West, then detailed some of the local concerns over the number of lights proposed for the site.


After discussion, where the need for site visits in relation to future applications with similar issues was raised, it was,




That Planning Permission be APPROVED subject to the following conditions:


1          The development shall be carried out strictly in accordance with the approved plans (Site location Plan, Planning application plan: PV 316/WFG/TA, Landscape Plan 2010 and drawing WGDP 01).


Reason: For the avoidance of doubt.


2          The land notated as “Campsite/Red Land” on drawing WGDP 01 shall only be used to accommodate a maximum of 15 caravans on any day of the calendar year.


Reason: To protect the visual amenity and character of the area and also help to safeguard the living conditions of nearby dwellings.


3          No amplified music to be played or broadcast at any time on any day of the calendar year on the land notated “Campsite/Red Land” or land notated as “Rally Fields/Blue Land” on drawing WGDP 01.


Reason: To prevent noise and disturbance to nearby residents of the site.


4          No music to be played after 2300 hours on any day of the calendar year on the land notated Campsite/Red Land” or land notated as “Rally Fields/Blue Land” on drawing WGDP 01.


Reason: To prevent noise and disturbance to nearby residents of the site at unsociable hours.


5          The use of the land for tented camping shall be strictly limited to that part of the site within the area notated as “Rally Fields/Blue Land” on drawing WGDP 01 and shall be used only in connection with the use of the area notated as “Rally Fields/Blue Land” as a whole. No caravans, motorhomes, campervans or other vehicle or structure adapted for human habitation which would fall within the definition of a caravan shall be stationed or parked on this land, which shall not be used for any camping other than for tented camping purposes between 19th March and the 30th September inclusive within any calendar year. That part of the application land within the area notated “Rally Fields/Blue Land” on drawing WGDP 01 shall be used only in connection with the use of the area notated as “Rally Fields/Blue Land” as a whole for a maximum of 20 tents on any day within the time period specified above, save for 10 days when a maximum of 100 tents and also a maximum of 40 tents on 14 additional days can be stationed within the period prescribed above. For the avoidance of any doubt, any day or part thereof when a tent or tents are stationed on the land or when activities incidental to camping are continuing (for example, the stationing of portaloos) is to be regarded as a day’s use for the purposes of this condition.


Reason: To protect the visual amenity and character of the area and also help to safeguard the living conditions of nearby dwellings.


6          Notwithstanding the provisions of any Class of the Schedule to Town and Country Planning General Permitted Development Order 1995 (or any order revoking and re-enacting that order with or without modification), there shall be no stationing of any tents on any part of the land other than on the area referred to as Rally Fields/Blue Land on drawing WGDP 01 or within the approved caravan site, and there shall be no stationing of caravans outside of the approved caravan site.


Reason: To protect the visual amenity and character of the area and also help to safeguard the living conditions of nearby dwellings.


7          A maximum of 10 fire pits shall be permitted within the land notated as Rally Fields/Blue Land on drawing WGDP 01 within the site and no other fires (excluding domestic barbecues and domestic garden/maintenance fires) shall be lit within any part of the site.


Reason: To prevent noise and disturbance to nearby residents of the site.


8          The applicant/site manager shall keep an up-to-date written record of all persons visiting the site for the purposes of recreation and the number of caravans and tents there on any day. The written record shall be maintained made available to the local planning authority for inspection at reasonable notice.


Reason: To support the other conditions.


9          There shall be no vehicular access and egress to and from the land used for tented camping from the southernmost vehicular access to the site (adjacent to Over the Hill).


Reason: To safeguard the living conditions of the occupants of Over the Hill


10        All external lighting shall be carried out in accordance with the approved Lighting Condition 10 Plan dated 3rd October 2013, received by this office on 7th October 2013 and Condition 10 External Lighting Schedule dated 3rd October 2013, received by this office on 7th October 2013.

Downlighter units numbered 1, 2 and 4 on the External Lighting Schedule for sign illumination shall be mounted so that they are angled into the site and away from the roadway. 


Downlighter units numbered 3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11,12,13,17, 36, 37, 38 & 39 on the External Lighting Schedule shall be mounted with the bottom surface/the source of illumination parallel to and not more than 1m high above ground level.


Wall mounted and bollard light units numbered 5, 6, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31 & 32 on the External Lighting Schedule shall be mounted to not exceed 1m high above existing ground level.


Wall mounted downlighter units numbered 33 and 34 on the External Lighting Schedule shall be mounted with the bottom surface/the source of illumination not more than 2m high above ground level.

All lights shall be on timers to switch off at 10pm.


The lighting hereby approved shall be installed in accordance with the agreed details and maintained as such thereafter.  Any existing lights already installed shall be amended to be in accordance with the agreed external lighting scheme as detailed above within 3 months of the date of this decision.             


Other than those agreed, there shall be no further lighting of the site, unless otherwise agreed through a new planning permission. 


Reason:  In order to safeguard visual amenity.


11        All landscaping shall be carried out in accordance with the Stonehenge Campsite Landscape Management Plan 2009-2014 (dated 10th October 2012, reference WFG/TA/10.10.11) and the Detailed Planting Proposals 2009-2014 (dated 16/11/2012, reference 390-11 Rev A) accompanying planning application S/2012/1777 subject to the following amendments:


a) Paragraphs 5.4, 5.5 and 5.6 are replaced as follows:

The first phase will be undertaken at some point between years 2 and 5 (where year 1 is 2009). The first phase will include removal of the 6 individual conifers along the eastern part of the boundary and 9 of the trees in the solid tree belt. This will open up gaps in the existing planting, allowing light in and allowing the establishment of broadleaf species.


In the longer term (that is, between years 10 and 12 unless otherwise agreed in writing by the local planning authority), the remaining conifers will be removed and the gaps will be planted with further broadleaf woodland planting.


b) Paragraph 5.12 which refers to the woodland mix and the associated table is amended to exclude the use of non-native species of Corsican Pine, Larch, Thuja or Evergreen Holm Oak (Quercus ilex) or Scots Pine (Pinus Sylvestris). Where already planted, these shall be removed within 3 months of the date of this decision, with the exception of the 10 Scots Pine (Pinus Sylvestris) already planted which shall be removed by 31st March 2018.

c) The planting key on the Detailed Planting Proposals plan is amended to exclude the use of non-native species of Corsican Pine, Larch, Thuja or Evergreen Holm Oak (Quercus ilex) or Scots Pine (Pinus Sylvestris). Where already planted, these shall be removed within 3 months of the date of this decision, with the exception of the 10 Scots Pine (Pinus Sylvestris) already planted which shall be removed by 31st March 2018.


The approved landscape management plan shall be implemented in full in accordance with the approved timetable.


Reason: To ensure adequate landscaping in order to safeguard visual amenity.


12        The approved alarm system that has been fitted to the cesspit providing warning against overflowing, and was agreed in writing by the local planning authority on the 21st October 2011 shall be retained and maintained.


Reason: To help prevent pollution to watercourses.


13        The visibility splays of 4.5m x 75m across the site frontage measured from the centre line of the access adjacent to the northern site boundary shall be maintained permanently free obstruction above a height of 300mm.


Reason: In the interests of highway safety.

Supporting documents: