Agenda item

N/13/01610/WCM - Extension to Condition 9 of N.88/1828 - Retention of Concrete Products Factory) Sands Farm Quarry, Sand Pit Road, Calne, SN11 8TJ for Aggregate Industries Ltd.

A report by the Case Officer is attached.


The following people spoke against the proposal:


Ms Luisa Crook, representing Sandpit Road Residents’ Association

Mrs Anne Henshaw, representing Sandpit Road Residents’ Association and North Wiltshire & Swindon CPRE 


The following spoke in favour of the proposal:


Mr John Penny, representing the applicant



The Committee received a presentation by the Case Officer which set out the

main issues in respect of the application. He introduced the report which

recommended that the planning application be approved, subject to completion of a variation of the legal agreement attached to N/88/1828 and conditions.


Members of the Committee then had the opportunity to ask technical questions after which the Committee received statements from members of the public as detailed above, expressing their views regarding the planning application.


Members then heard the views of Cllrs Alan Hill and Tony Trotman, local

Members, both of whom considered that the hours of operation of the site should be limited to the hours agreed for lorry movements to and from the site. 


After discussion, during which several Members did not consider that conditions should be imposed on the hours of operation of the site, 




That, subject to completion of a variation of the legal agreement attached to N/88/1828 dated 2 February 1989, planning permission be granted subject to the following conditions:-


1.         The development should be carried out in accordance with the submitted Plan Nos 8831/01 and 8831/02 and accompanying statement dated 15th June 1988.

Reason:        To define the nature and extent of the development permitted.

2.         All vehicular access and egress to and from the site shall be from Sandpit Road and the junction with Oxford Road. No other access shall be used by vehicles entering or exiting the site.

Reason:        In the interests of highway safety and safeguarding local amenity.

Policy:           MDC8 of the Wiltshire and Swindon Minerals Development Control Policies DPD



3.         No commercial vehicle shall leave the site unless its wheels and underside chassis are clean to prevent materials, including mud or other detritus, being deposited on the public highway.


Reason:        In the interests of highway safety and safeguarding local amenity.

Policy:           MDC8 of the Wiltshire and Swindon Minerals Development Control Policies DPD

4.         The measures detailed in the Environmental Noise and Dust Control Scheme prepared by Advance Environmental dated 10 October 2013 shall be implemented in full from the date of this permission and shall be complied with at all times.

Reason:        To protect the amenities of the locality from the effects of any noise or dust arising from the development.

Policy:           MDC2 of the Wiltshire and Swindon Minerals Development Control Policies DPD

5.         The storage of finished products in the stock yard shall not exceed 3 metres in height.

Reason:        To safeguard the amenities of the area.

Policy:           MDC1 of the Wiltshire and Swindon Minerals Development Control Policies DPD

6.         The building and products stock yard hereby permitted shall be removed, the use thereof shall be discontinued and the land reinstated to its former condition at or before 30 November 2022 or the cessation of the processing of sand as permitted under planning permission N/10/03280/WCM, whichever is the sooner.

Reason:        In the interests of the amenity of the area and to ensure the building hereby permitted is not used for inappropriate purposes.

Policy:           MDC2 of the Wiltshire and Swindon Minerals Development Control Policies DPD

7.         The building hereby permitted shall be used solely for the manufacture of concrete products and for no other purpose.

Reason:        In the interests of the amenity of the area and to ensure the building hereby permitted is not used for inappropriate purposes.

Policy:           MDC2 of the Wiltshire and Swindon Minerals Development Control Policies DPD

8.         No lorry traffic shall enter or leave the site except between the hours of:

0700 hours and 1800 hours Monday to Friday; and

0700 hours and 1300 hours Saturday.


No vehicles shall enter or leave the site on Sundays or Public Holidays.

Reason:        To safeguard the amenity of local residents and properties adjacent to Sandpit Road.

Policy:           MDC2 of the Wiltshire and Swindon Minerals Development Control Policies DPD



Supporting documents: