Agenda item

13/06123/FUL - Lansdowne, Littleton, Semington


Public Participation


Mr Tony Phillips (Agent) spoke in support of the application.

Mr Brian Smith spoke in objection to the application on behalf of Semington Parish Council.


The Area Development Manager outlined the report which recommended the application for approval subject to conditions. The site description and an overview of the proposed development were also given. The site would essentially consist of 9 static sites on 3 plots. The application had been heard at the previous Western Area Planning Committee but was deferred by the Committee subject to a further report from Highways following concerns raised by members at the last meeting.


The Area Development Manager outlined the relevant planning policy which included: West Wiltshire District Plan 1st Alteration (2004)

- C1: Countryside Protection;

- C31a: Design;

- C38: Nuisance;

- CF12: Gypsy Caravan Sites;

- U1a: Foul Water Disposal;

- U2: Surface Water Disposal.


Some weight was also afforded to the Emerging Wiltshire Core Strategy, however as it was yet to be formally adopted by the Council, only partial weight could be given to the policy. Members attention was also drawn to the Planning Policy for Travellers Sites (PPTS).


The Area Development manager outlined the comments and objections received through consultation, which included comments of ‘no objection’ from: Wiltshire Council’s Drainage Engineer, Environment Agency, Environmental Health, Highways and Wessex Water.

The Area Development manager drew attention to the relevant planning considerations which were summarised as being the principle of the development, the status of the applicant, the existing provision and need for suitable traveller sites, the availability of alternative accommodation, impact on the local community , Highway safety, infrastructure and proximity of local services.


The Area Development Manager outlined amendments to plans which included passing bays for traffic in the lane and landscaping conditions to address concerns of members regarding the impact of the site. In addition the Area Development Manager stated that insufficient land supply for the traveller community had been identified by the planning inspectorate for the next 5 years. It was also noted that following a further inspection of the site, there were no Highway objections to the site proposals.


Members were invited to ask technical questions of the site. These included questions regarding the current ‘illegal access’ to the site and its future use as an access point. It was stated that the access had been conditioned for reinstatement in the recommendation to the committee.


Members of the public were invited to speak on the application as listed above.


Cllr Seed as local member, spoke in objection to the application stating; overdevelopment of the site, unacceptable visual impact upon the surrounding area, detrimental impact to adjoining properties; unacceptable design given bulk, height, general appearance; unsustainable location, contravention of Wiltshire Council’s Gypsy and Traveller Policy, and an unacceptable impact on highway safety. Cllr Seed stated that any move to approve the application should include conditions to reinstate the verge and hedge.


Members then entered debate and questioned the condition of the access road to the site, and raised concern over the number of vehicles using the track. Members were also concerned about the intention to install passing bays, and questioned if this would resolve the problem if the work was to even be completed. Members questioned ownership of the land and whether this would prevent any works being completed and it was clarified that this would not be an issue as there was one sole land owner. Members also questioned the forecasting requirements for transient communities and questioned the accuracy and reliability of any such modelling.


The Area Development Manager spoke to clarify the comments raised in debate and public speaking, and provided the Committee with previous planning decisions for guidance in the decision.


Cllr Seed raised an objection to the submission from the Area Development Manager. The Chairman stated that the Area Development Manager was entitled to address the concerns raised by members of the public and those concerns raised in the debate.


Cllr Seed stated that the Officers response amounted to a rebuttal of concerns raised by members in the debate and sought clarification on procedure. The Area Development Managers comments were allowed by the Chairman.


At the end of the debate, the Committee;




To REFUSE planning permission for the application for the following reasons:


1)    The proposal represents an overdevelopment of the existing site, with the number of pitches increasing by the addition of 4 new pitches on the land adjacent to the existing authorised site.


2)    The proposal would encroach into the open countryside and would have an unacceptable impact on the appearance of the area, and its character, increasing the number of pitches in the immediate area from 5 to 9. This would conflict with policies C1 and CF 12 B of the West Wiltshire District Plan and with policy CP47 of the emerging Wiltshire Core Strategy.


3)    The site is located in an unsustainable location, with no footpaths for access to the nearest bus stops and with its location such that two very busy main roads must be crossed to reach facilities in Semington Village, including the local primary school. In addition, the narrow lane on which the site is located leaves no room for pedestrian refuge onto verges in the face of vehicular traffic and the number of vehicle movements generated by the traveller pitches is considered to be incompatible with this single track lane that lacks opportunities for vehicles to pass. The proposal therefore conflicts with policy CF12 D of the West Wiltshire District Plan (1st alteration) and policy CP47 of the emerging Wiltshire Core Strategy.

Supporting documents: