Agenda item

13/07057/FUL - Homesteads Rivar Road Shalbourne Marlborough SN8 3QE


Public Participation

Mr Philip Newton spoke in support of the application.

Mr George Lewis spoke in support of the application.


Mr Mike Lockhart, Shalbourne Parish Council, spoke in support of the application.


Local Member Cllr Wheeler spoke in support of the application.


The Area Development Manager outlined the report which recommended the application be refused planning permission for a single storey extension and replacement garage. The Area Development Manager outlined the details of the proposal noting that it was similar to a previous application which had been refused by the committee. The Homestead is a grade 2 listed building located in the conservation area of Shalbourne village. The site is also located within the North Wessex Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. 


The key planning policy considerations were noted as being:


The Kennet Local Plan 2011: policy PD1 – General development principles.


The Planning (Listed Building and Conservation Areas) Act with regards to the desirability of preserving the building or its setting or any features of special architectural or historic interest which it possesses.


Section 72 of the Planning (Listed Building and Conservation Areas) Act with special regard to the desirability of preserving or enhancing the character or appearance of the conservation area.


Planning Policy Statement 5 – Practice guide.


The Shalbourne Conservation Area Statement.


The emerging Core Strategy was also referred too although this is still at an emerging stage and therefore only carries limited

The Area Development Manager outlined the consultations that had been undertaken noting that there had been no objections.


The committee were then invited to ask technical questions on the application which focused on whether planning permission for the previous extension had been granted before or after being given listed status. It was noted that the extension was granted after being listed. 


Members of the public (above) were then invited to speak on the application.


Local Member Cllr Stuart Wheeler spoke in support of the application stating that the new extension had a natural look and the development would benefit the local community as the dwelling would become a suitable family home. Cllr Wheeler also noted that adding extensions to listed buildings can add to their history.


The Area Development Manager commented stating that the dwelling had already been allowed an extension and another of this scale would be too much. The reason the property is listed is because of its national importance not just a local importance


Members then entered into debate on the application and the main concerns were summarised as being the lack of change from the original application, the over powering of the new extension on the original house and the affect this would have on its history and listed status. Arguments were made quoting the English Heritage Conservation Principles, Policy and Guidance document stating that  the consequence of not undertaking periodic renewal is normally more extensive loss of both fabric and heritage values. The replacement garage was discussed noting this would provide a third bedroom for the property making it a family home.




To REFUSE planning application for a single storey extension and replacement garage for the reasons below


The scale of the proposed extension in relation to the original dwelling and the deviation away from the established plan form would harm the character and setting of the listed building and diminish its significance as a designated heritage asset. The extension would also fail to preserve the character or appearance of the conservation area. As such, the proposal is contrary to government policy contained within Section 12 of the NPPF, guidance contained in the PPS5 Practice Guide, policy PD1 of the adopted Kennet Local Plan 2011 and supplementary planning guidance contained in the Shalbourne Conservation Area Statement.

Supporting documents: