Agenda item

13/06707/FUL - Land south east of Leechpool Farm, Norrington Lane, Broughton Gifford


Rob Cumming spoke in objection of the application.

Isobel Hollands (Agent) spoke in support of the application.

The Area Development Manager outlined the report which recommended the application for approval subject to conditions. The site description and an overview of the proposed development were also given. The site would essentially consist of a solar photovoltaic park over approximately 30.5 hectares.

The Area Development Manager outlined the relevant planning policy which included:

The National Planning Policy Framework 2012

Planning Practice Guidance (DCLG: Section on Renewable and Low Carbon Energy updated 6 March 2014).

West Wiltshire District Plan 1st Alteration (2004)

Some weight was also afforded to the Emerging Wiltshire Core Strategy, however as it was yet to be formally adopted by the Council, only limited weight could be given to the policy.

The Area Development manager outlined the comments and objections received through consultation, which included comments of ‘no objection’ from: Wiltshire Council’s Ecologist, Natural England, Environment Agency, Environmental Health, Highways and Spatial Plans and Landscaping. Comments were received from English Heritage and Wiltshire Council Public Rights of Way which were outlined in the report.

Four letters of objection had been received and five letters in support which had been outlined in the report.

The Area Development manager drew attention to the relevant planning considerations which were summarised as being the principle of the development, impact on the landscape of the open countryside, impact on ecological interests, impact on highway safety including during construction phase, impact on public rights of way, impact on heritage assets including archaeological interests and flood risks.

Members were invited to ask technical questions of the site. The questions focused on the amount of farm animals that would safely be able to graze, to which the answer was unknown.

Members of the public were invited to speak on the application as listed above.

The Area Development Manager was asked to answer the questions from a member of public and it was noted that the latest comments received from Broughton Gifford Parish Council had not been included in the agenda as it was received after the publication date and had instead been circulated to members of the committee before the meeting. Concerns around flooding and the visual impact had been addressed and there were no major concerns.

Cllr Chivers as local member spoke in objection to the application stating; that there was concern from the local community about the visual impacts in that residents can see both the W/12/02072/FUL site and this new proposed site. There were also concerns over the cumulative effect in that there are already plans to build a further solar farm nearby. Members debated the application.. A motion was proposed to approve the application and after discussions about a possible site visit the original motion was withdrawn and a motion was proposed for a site visit, to take place the day of the next Western Area Planning Committee on the 21 May 2014.

At the end of the debate, the Committee;


To DEFER for a site visit on 21 May 2014.

Supporting documents: