Agenda item

Chairman's Announcements

To note any announcements through the Chair.


Health Scrutiny Guidance

The Committee heard that the long awaited Local Authority Health Scrutiny Guidance has been published.  A report on this will come to the next meeting, and the document circulated to members.


Letter from RUH

A letter from James Scott at the RUH assured the Committee that the hospital had ensured a smooth handover of the maternity services from the GWH.  They have also appointed a consultant paediatrician and divisional manager to support the new Women’s and Children’s Division.


Delayed transfer to care

The DtoC Task Group is now regularly reviewing the DtoC figures and the actions being taken to address them.  It was agreed that to avoid duplication the Task Group continue to monitor the monthly reports and for the Committee to receive 6 monthly updates on the figures.


Equity for mental health

From 1 April 2014 patients with mental health conditions have had the same rights as physical health patients to choose where they have their first outpatient appointment.  NHS England are seeking feedback on the interim guidance they have produced for commissioners and providers on the new legal right. Guidance produced by NHS England to support patients is to follow.


Police update

Angus Macpherson updated the HWB on several items of interest to the Committee.


Safe Places Scheme:

Organisations such as shops and community centres that sign up to the Safe Places Scheme, provide safe places for people who might be overtaken by sudden memory loss, confusion or panic.  A large orange sticker identifies the safe places and their staff are trained to assist vulnerable people.  Angus reported that sign up to the scheme was going well.


New worker:

The Police have appointed a Mental Health Liaison Officer to work with other agencies to support the Concordat that is looking to improve the system of care and support so that people experiencing mental health crises are kept safe and helped to find the support they need.


Young people:

In the past there has been criticism in Wiltshire that young people under 18 years of age, who are detained under s136 of the Mental Health Act, have been detained in police cells as there have been no health based place of safety.  This has now addressed and accommodation is now provided at Fountains Way Hospital in Salisbury.  In 2013 – 14, all 5 young people detained stayed in a health-based place of safety.



Charging for GP services

Members noted that the Wiltshire Local Medical Committee proposed a motion to their national conference in May. There were 5 parts to the motion and 2 were passed. 


The Committee approached the Wiltshire CCG for a comment on their position and the statement provided together with details of the proposed motions can be found on the document circulated at the meeting and attached to these minutes.


The Chairman noted that motions had been put forward at other conferences where more detailed information had been available and if the Committee wished to debate the item it would be at another time when the full facts were available.


Cllr Dr McKeown noted that South West Region Council had put forward different information, meaning members had not been fully informed and requested her objection be minuted.


The Committee agreed that the item be brought to the next meeting.

Supporting documents: