Agenda item

Improvements at M4 Junction 16

Report by Parvis Khansari,  Associate Director – Highways and Transport


The Leader reported receipt of questions from Mrs Charmian Spickernell of the Council for the Protection of Rurual England and comments and observations from Cllr Mollie Groom, Mr John Ingleson of Swindon, Cllr Neville Smith of Lydiard Tregoz Parish Council, details of which were circulated together with responses from Cllr Fleur de Rhé-Philipe.  Cabinet also received a letter from Joyce Holman, Clerk to Wroughton Parish Council a reply to which would be circulated to all Cabinet members.


Councillor Fleur de Rhé-Philipe presented a report which followed from a previous Cabinet decision dated 30 October 2007 in relation to Junction 16 of the M4 motorway, which was to be remodelled to accommodate the Wichelstowe development in Swindon.  It sought authority, not previously granted, to enter into an agreement with other parties to enable remodelling works to proceed.


Councillor Fleur de Rhé-Philipe guided members through the report and responded to queries from members of the Council and members of the public. She confirmed that all correct procedures had been followed.




That Cabinet:


a)    Withdraws its former resolution (WCC Cabinet 30/10/2007) to object to the remodelling of M4 motorway Junction 16, on the basis of the drawings subsequently relied upon by Swindon Borough Council to discharge Condition 99 of planning permission S/02/2000, specifically with regard to non-motorised users.


b)   Authorises the Associate Director for Highways and Transport, in conjunction with the Head of Legal Services, to agree detailed design and negotiate an agreement, or agreements, with Swindon Borough Council and the Highways Agency to facilitate the execution of the remodelling scheme, such agreements to make provision, inter alia, for appropriate maintenance payments towards the additional costs to Wiltshire Council for the ongoing maintenance of the signal controlled junction.


c)    Authorises the Associate Director for Highways and Transport to review existing arrangements with the Highways Agency in relation to the management and maintenance of the traffic control signals at Junction 16.


Reason for decision:


To ensure that Swindon Borough Council can progress the Wichelstowe development, and not be constrained by the occupancy restrictions imposed by Condition 79 of planning permission S/02/2000, as a result of Wiltshire Council’s objection to aspects of the Junction 16 capacity enhancement scheme

Supporting documents: