Agenda item

Highways and Streetscene Contract BBLP - Report on Annual Performance

At the meeting of the Committee in April 2014, it was agreed that the Highways and Streetscene Rapid Scrutiny group should form a Task Group to undertake a review into the performance of the first full year of operation of the Highways and Streetscene Contract.   


Prior to the end of the first year’s operation, a number of issues were raised in relation to the grass cutting element of the contract.  Whilst it was agreed that a meeting would be useful to address these issues, due to time constraints, it was not possible for this to be organised.  Subsequently, it was agreed that the issues around grass cutting would be raised within the meeting to review the first year’s performance of the Highways and Streetscene contract.


The report of the Highways and Streetscene Task Group addresses both the review of annual performance and the issues around grass cutting.  The report is presented by the Chairman of the Task Group, Cllr Jeff Osborn. 


The Committee is asked to endorse the recommendations in paragraphs 31 to 35 and refer the report to the relevant Cabinet members for response. 


At the meeting of the Committee in April 2014, it was agreed that the Highways and Streetscene Rapid Scrutiny group should form a Task Group to undertake a review into the performance of the first full year of operation of the Highways and Streetscene Contract.


Prior to the end of the first year’s operation, a number of issues were raised in relation to the grass cutting element of the contract. It was agreed that the issues around grass cutting would be raised within the meeting to review the first year’s performance of the Highways and Streetscene contract.


Cllr Jeff Osborn, Chairman of the Task Group, introduced the report which addressed both the review of annual performance and the issues around grass cutting.


Thanks were given to members who served on the Task Group and officers who had assisted in its work. Attention was brought to the action points drawn from the service review and it was noted a response would be provided to the Committee at its meeting in October. It was advised that Hereford Council had experienced similar problems with BLLP demonstrating was it not unique to Wiltshire, however, whilst there had been public concern over grass cutting in Wiltshire, a vast improvement had been made. Focus was brought to paragraphs 9, 11, 13, 14 in the report and that particularly  the Atkins contract would be reviewed by the Task Group in the future and the need for BBLP to employ agency staff with local knowledge.  The Councillor further explained 6 apprenticeships promised were in the process of being organised and would be pursued. A ‘user-friendly’ guide to key clauses of the contract was also stated to still be required.


The point was made that, with extra finance to invest in highways, BBLP would be able to improve roads in the county. The BBLP response to the winter floods was praised and it was emphasised that under current economic conditions it was essential the contract was delivered.  Cllr Osborne explained the Council was still waiting on an audit for this contract.  To conclude, the report recommendations were explained and questions and comments from the Committee were invited.


The Committee discussed the need for the contract to be fully audited, and it was stated that this had been scheduled by Internal Audit, although it had not yet been received by the Audit Committee.


BBLP was commended on its cooperation during the flooding period and the importance of the local knowledge of agency staff was when dealing with flooding reiterated. Problems with Atkins’ work on the A30 were discussed with confirmation these had been taken up with it’s management, with the Task Group encouraged to continue to investigate such issues. Positive and negative experiences of the MyWiltshire application were expressed.



To endorse the following recommendations:


·       Task Group to continue its work by monitoring the performance of certain elements of the contract throughout the year and reviewing the next Annual Report.


·       The Task Group to meet in 2/3 months time to consider the actions/progress against the 29 action points, as well as the Year 2 plans for BBLP and Atkins, and report on these to the Environment Select Committee on 28 October 2014.


·       For the Task Group to maintain regular contact with the Cabinet Member, Portfolio holder, officers and BBLP between meetings so that they are quickly informed of any slippage in performance.


·       That the Task Group gives due attention to better understand and evaluate Atkins’ activities.


·       To give consideration to adding high risk contracts to the Council’s Risk Register. The Committee delegated this task to the Cabinet.


To refer the report to the relevant Cabinet members for response.




Supporting documents: