Agenda item

Task Group Updates

1)            Written updates on Management Committee Task Group activity are detailed as follows:


LEP Task Group

Briefings for the Wiltshire Council and Swindon Borough Council members respectively have been held, with the inclusion of key officers of each authority and representation from the LEP secretariat. The first joint meeting of the Task Group is scheduled to take place on 30 September.


Financial Planning Task Group

The Task Group met on 27 May, the outcomes of which were reported to the last Management Committee. The next meeting is due on 11 September to discuss the Budget Outturn Report that will be presented to Cabinet on 16 September and the first quarterly update.


2)            The Chairman of each Select Committee will be given the opportunity to provide brief updates in relation to activity undertaken by existing task groups, and endorsement of any proposed new Task Groups.


1)    The Committee noted the written updates on its task groups as detailed in the agenda.


2)    a) The Vice-Chairman of the Health Select Committee provided the following updates:


Continence Services Task Group

There has been a response from the Executive and a meeting is being set up with the CCG to take forward the recommendations the CCG supported.


Help to Live at Home

The inaugural meeting is scheduled for the 3 October to consider any actions as a result of the peer review; as well as the recent CQC report on Mears, a domiciliary care agency. 40 out of 700 of their clients were adversely affected by the changes and acquisitions made by Mears over the last three months. The CQC report will also come before the HOSC on 23 September.


Review of AWP/Dementia Services

 A report is now in draft form for a meeting of the Task Group on Thursday 11 September. It is intended for presentation at the HOSC on the 23 September as well as the CCG Governing Body the same day.


Transfer to Care Task Group

Work is ongoing. Members were made aware of the 100 day challenge, which it was hoped would have a positive impact on the delayed transfers to care figures. A specialist pilot group is looking at Salisbury NHS FT to review processes.


b) The Chairman of the Environment Select Committee provided the following verbal updates:


Car Parking Review Task Group

The work of the Task Group is currently ongoing, with the Task Group having visited three local authorities to view and discuss cashless technologies, and would be reviewing the preferred option for Wiltshire before it goes out to public consultation.


20mph Policy Task Group

A meeting with the Executive and key officers is scheduled for 23 September, with a final report due to be considered by the Committee in October 2014.


Adoptable Estates Task Group

The Task Group had been reviewing systems and the communications around planning processes, with a report now due for consideration by the Committee in October 2014 following a visit to a development under construction.


Community Infrastructure Levy(CIL) Task Group

The CIL Task Group would reconvene as appropriate pending adopting of the Wiltshire Core Strategy, looking at the way the Council would access and record monies gained through CIL, and the possible distribution of that monies to towns and parishes with or without established neighbourhood plans.


Waste Task Group

The Waste Task Group fulfilled its remit and reported to the Committee in December 2013; its recommendations were referenced in the report of the Waste Management Service to Cabinet in December 2013.  The Task Group undertook some further work, at the request of the Service and the Corporate Director, to review the communications plans in respect of changes to the waste collection rounds. 


Investment in Highways Task Group

It was stated that the need for this Task Group had lapsed and it would therefore not be required to be constituted.


In response to queries it was stated that the ESC had not yet had received a report on the annual flood plan, but it was hoped this would be obtained for the October meeting of the Committee. It was also suggested the successful completion of the work of the Balfour Beatty Living Places Highways and Streetscene Task Group be communicated as broadly as possible to highlight the conclusions and recommendations.


c) The Chairman of the Children’s Select Committee delivered the following updates:


Early Help Strategy Task Group

The Task Group met on 5 September, and would have several more meetings ahead of reporting in late October 2014.


Education for 16-19s Task Group

Following a pause in work during a transition period within relevant council teams, the Task Group would begin its work again from October 2014.


Safeguarding Children and Young People Task Group

A written update was presented, as attached, on the ongoing work of the Task Group, with suggested resolutions for the Committee. Additional wording was suggested to emphasise the work undertaken toward reducing the risk of child sexual exploitation in Wiltshire.


Therefore, it was resolved to:


a)    To note the overview and scrutiny work undertaken by the Children’s Select Committee on safeguarding children and young people with a view toward reducing the risk of child sexual exploitation in Wiltshire.


b)    To note the measures in progress to clarify members’ role as corporate parents and the procedure to follow if they have concerns about a child’s safety.


Schools and the Local Authority Task Group

The Task Group would be meeting on 12 September, following meetings with schools to discuss their perspectives on local authority education services.


Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Task Group

 The Task Group would be meeting on 10 September, and a final report would be presented to the Committee in December 2014.


Supporting documents: