Agenda item

Chairman's Announcements

a.    The Great Stones Way

b.     Hear to Help” project

c.    Community Payback – Call for “Grot Spots”

d.    Gypsy Traveller Site Consultation

e.    Wiltshire Local Transport Plan 2011-2026

f.     Planning & Housing Receptions relocating to 27-29 Milford Street, Salisbury

g.    Confirmation of membership of new Community Area Transport Group (CATG)

h.    The Chairman will invite questions on issues not covered elsewhere in the agenda, including questions to the Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport, Councillor Dick Tonge, who will be in attendance. (Note: Written questions may be submitted in advance of the meeting – please email to by 31 August 2010)



a.    The Great Stones Way – Information on this project was available at pages 17-18 of the agenda.


b.   Hear to Help” project Information on this project was available at page 19 of the agenda.


c.    Community Payback – Call for “Grot Spots” - Information on this initiative was available at page 21 of the agenda.


d.    Postponement of Gypsy Traveller Site Consultation – The information set out at page 23 of the agenda advised that this consultation had been postponed.


e.    Wiltshire Local Transport Plan 2011-2026 – Information on this document was available at page 25 of the agenda.


f.     Planning and Housing receptions moving to 27-29 Milford Street – It was noted that the public receptions for these departments would be relocating.


g.    Confirmation of membership of new Community Area Transport Group (CATG) – This group was being set up and would meet in October, making recommendations to the Area Board meeting on 21 October.


h.    Reducing Light Pollution scheme – update – Wishford, Bullford, Durrington and Figheldean had all applied to become part of the trial scheme.  A report would be submitted to the Area Board meeting on 21 October.


i.      Name of Area Board – The Chairman advised that correspondence had been received from the Bourne Valley Alliance of Parish Councils in relation to changing the name of the Area Board.  In principle the Area Board had no problem with this proposal and would welcome suitable suggestions.  It was noted that any decision to change the name would be determined by the full Council and not by the Area Board itself.


j.      Community Planning – It was confirmed that Councillors were continuing to review options regarding a community plan for the area, and that a report on this would be forthcoming.  The previously agreed deadline of January 2011 was no longer envisaged.


k.    Questions to Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport, Councillor Dick Tonge, and other comments –


The Chairman invited questions to Councillor Dick Tonge:


·           Replying to a query regarding the Camera Safety Unit (CSU), Councillor Tonge explained that this body had been jointly funded by the government, Wiltshire Council, Swindon Borough Council, and Wiltshire Police to coordinate and run the mobile and fixed speed cameras in the county.  However, the government had made in-year cuts of £400K to the funding for this body which had resulted in its closure.  It was confirmed that Community Speed Watch would continue and that the police would continue to use fixed and mobile speed cameras to enforce speed limits.

Inspector Martyn Sweett added that Neighbourhood Beat Teams would continue to carry out speed checks and enforcements on roads, and that a strategy was being developed to cover the shortfall.


·           Councillor Tonge confirmed that, despite a delay to the works to Bulford Bridge of 10-14 days due to issues with the installation of utilities, it was anticipated that the original deadline would still be met.  Furthermore, it was hoped that traffic would be able to use the bridge with temporary signals, before the bridge was fully re-opened.


·           Concern was raised regarding the temporary traffic signals on the Portway at Old Sarum.  Mark Smith, Director of Neighbourhood Services, advised that the permanent lights at the junction had been turned off due to lack of activity at the site.  However, now more construction traffic was entering the site, it had been considered necessary for safety reasons that traffic lights be used at the site.  It was acknowledged that improved signage needed to be installed.

The view was expressed that the phasing of the lights was too long, and that the arrangements at the junction were not suitable for the flow of local traffic.

The Chairman asked the local member, Councillor Mike Hewitt, and the Cabinet Member, Councillor Tonge, to take the issue forward.


·           Concern was also raised that Winterslow Road, Porton had been listed for resurfacing during the previous week.  However, this site had not been resurfaced, although another site in East Gomeldon, which had not been listed, had been resurfaced.  Councillor Tonge undertook to investigate and provide a written answer.


·           In response to a comment regarding parking, Councillor Tonge advised that the Parking Strategy consultation would close on 3 September.  A large number of responses had been received and these would be collated and fed back to Area Boards in October and November, prior to a report being submitted to the Cabinet.  It was emphasised that the strategy was not solely concerned with parking charges, but also considered parking arrangements and the number of spaces required for residential and commercial development.

Responding to a concern that the decision had already been made, Councillor Tonge commented that all Cabinet meetings were open to the public and that anyone was welcome to come along and see the decisions being debated and taken.

Further concerns were raised regarding the perceived potential impact on local trade in Amesbury, particularly with the new Tesco store due to be opened soon.  It was noted that 64 businesses and 200 signatories to a petition had confirmed their opposition to any form of charging for parking in Amesbury.


·           Responding to a question regarding Grit Bins, Councillor Tonge explained that Wiltshire Council had not had a full inventory of where the former District Councils’ grit bins were.  However, this had now been clarified with help from Parish Councils.

During the previous winter, it had not been possible to refill all bins, due to resources and access to some areas.  However, all possible efforts had been made to ensure the road network remained open, and in the main, feedback from residents and Parish Councils had been very positive.

Councillor Tonge announced that input from Area Boards would be sought in the near future regarding locating additional grit bins, requested following the severe weather during the previous winter.


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