Agenda item

14/11572/FUL - 4 Turnpike Cottages, Hilcott


Public Participation

Nigel Keen spoke in support of the application

Thomas Bailey spoke in support of the application

Carolyn Whistler spoke on behalf of North Newnton Parish Council


The planning officer introduced the application which recommended that it be refused. Key issues were stated to be the principle of new residential development in the countryside; the impact upon the rural character of the area; and the sustainability of additional new residential development in this location.


One late item was reported, which were the comments of North Newnton Parish Council.


There were no technical questions from members of the Committee.


Members of the public then had the opportunity to present their views to the

Committee, as detailed above.


The division member Cllr Paul Oatway spoke in support of the application. It was explained that the application had the full support of the parish council. There were other similar existing properties in the area, and it was heard that the application was within the village of Hilcott and was served by Wiltshire Council funded buses.


It was explained that whilst the application was within the village of Hilcott the assessment was that it was not within the built-up area of Hilcott. With regards to sustainability, there was no provision for pedestrian walking alongside the road, and the street lighting was limited.


A debate followed whereby core policy one of the Wiltshire Core Strategy was discussed. The access and the location of the application site were discussed. The reliance on cars in rural areas was considered. Strategy objective six from the Wiltshire Core Strategy was discussed.


At the conclusion of debate it was,




To refuse planning permission for the following reasons:


1.            The development would not constitute ‘infill’ and would occupy a countryside location beyond the built up part of the village of Hilcott (identified as a ‘small village’ in Core Policy 18 of the Wiltshire Core Strategy).   It would therefore conflict with Core Policies 1, 2 and 48 of the Wiltshire Core Strategy, which sets a presumption against development outside of the villages in rural areas unless for a number of exceptional circumstances, none of which apply in this instance. 

Furthermore, the development would be poorly served by local services, facilities and amenities such that the occupants of the dwellings would likely be heavily reliant on the use of private cars for the majority of routine journeys, contrary to the principles of sustainable development set out in Core Policies 1, 2 and 60 of the Wiltshire Core Strategy.


2.            The siting and layout of the development set perpendicular to the road would be out of keeping with the general character of development around the crossroads of Hilcott and would elongate the built up area of the village into open countryside and towards the neighbouring built up area to the north, thereby eroding the separation between built up areas to the detriment of the rural character of the area and the landscape and scenic beauty of the North Wessex Downs AONB contrary to Core Policies 2, 51 and 57 of the Wiltshire Core Strategy.

Supporting documents: