Agenda item

Chairman's Announcements


The Chairman announced that, in accordance with Section 100B(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 having regard to the special circumstances pertaining in this matter – namely, an urgent deadline for decision, she was of the opinion that, despite its non-inclusion on the Agenda, the matter of the Expression of Interest to the Performance Reward Grants Scheme from Biddestone Village Hall and Recreational Trust should be considered as a matter of urgency.  This item would be taken under the Funding item.


The Chairman directed the meeting to the announcements attached to the agenda regarding the Air Quality Strategy for Wiltshire, the Contaminated Land Strategy for Wiltshire and the Summary of Area Board Achievements 2009-10.


Councillor Allen verbally updated the meeting on the following:


a.    Reducing Unnecessary Street Lighting - Wiltshire Council had been approached by a number of communities seeking to reduce their carbon footprint, reduce light pollution of the night sky and reduce energy costs. Street lighting and illuminated signs was identified as a major use of energy by the Council in a recent review.


A start had been made with a project to replace the lighting units in the county’s 1,600 illuminated bollards with new low energy units. Dimming and turning off unnecessary lighting for part of the night had already been successfully introduced in trial sites at Urchfont and Tidworth.


Anyone who was interested in participating in this project was invited to contact the Community Area Manager.


b.    Annual Programme of Highways Works - The annual programme of highway maintenance and improvement schemes for 2010/11 had been approved. This information was presented on an individual community area basis and was available on the Council’s website under Community Area Highway Information.  The information includes lists of proposed highway and related works for 2010/11 with facts and figures about the roads in the area.


c.    BBC Blast - Posters were available at the meeting that advertised the event which was to take place from 19 - 21 May.


d.    Chippenham Conservation Area Management Plan Consultation - At the Chippenham Area Board meeting on 1 March 2010, Judy Enticknap (Conservation Officer) made a brief presentation on the Chippenham Conservation Area Management Plan (CAMP).  The CAMP had been the subject of a recently completed consultation exercise.  The comments received had been analysed, and appropriate amendments had been made to the plan which benefitted the final document.  Councillor Trotman confirmed the adoption of the document as supplementary planning guidance on 27 April 2010.


Councillor Caswill expressed dismay at the lack of available conservation officer to monitor the work of the recently proposed Chippenham Conservation Management task group.



This comment was to be passed to Judy Enticknap.


e.    Wiltshire 2026 Core Strategy Feedback - Officers were to attend the next Chippenham Area Board on 5 July 2010.  However, given the concerns that had been raised through the consultation regarding the location and amount of development being proposed in Chippenham, the Council would be undertaking further consultation within the Chippenham Area.  One of the Area Board Special Meetings has been put aside for this purpose and the date was to be announced publically shortly.



The Head of Spatial Planning to publicize the date.


f.     Gypsy and Traveller Consultation Update - Posters were available at the meeting that advertised the rescheduled drop-in event as19 May at the Neeld Hall.


g.    Summary of Area Board Successes – Councillor Allen summarised the work of the Area Board over the previous year.


Councillor Noblet (Chippenahm Town Council) requested that the amended Area Board Handbook be distributed as widely as possible and the amendments made in the clear practical terms.


Councillor Palmer (Grittleton Parish Council) requested clearer guidance regarding the Area Board’s financial parameters, areas of influence and less acronyms/jargon.  Councillor Scott clarified that the Area Board was able to influence decisions concerning ‘People and Places’ rather than direct spending.



These requests to be passed to Julie Martin, Corporate Advisor: Community Leadership.

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