Agenda item

14/10601/FUL- Chelworth Lodge, Cricklade, Swindon, Wiltshire, SN6 6HP


Mark Clarke spoke in objection to the application.


Cllr John Coole, Cricklade Town Council spoke in objection to the application


The officer introduced the report which recommended that the application be refused. The application was for the construction of 7 employment buildings; aerial photographs and a site plan were shown. It was explained planning permission existed for gypsy and traveller pitches on the site, however the current application was considered new build development in open countryside and unsustainable. The officer drew attention to the late observations.


The Committee then had the opportunity to ask technical questions during which it was verified the permission would not permit residential occupancy and the existing permission did not establish a precedent for the development proposed by this application. Work on the gypsy site had not commenced.


Members of the public then addressed the Committee as detailed above.


The local member, Cllr Bob Jones, spoke in objection to the application.


In the debate that followed the Committee expressed support for the officer’s reasons for refusal and requested inclusion of inconsistency with Core Policy 19 of the Wiltshire Core Strategy in the reasons for refusal . Additionally, Members anticipated an increase in HGV use on the site and considered the road network unsuitable to this use. It was considered the design of the site would not be a positive contribution to the character of the area. 




That planning permission be refused for the following reason:


1.    The proposal is not within or adjacent to any settlement identified in the plan and is located in the open countryside, nor will it support sustainable farming and food production. It is therefore inconsistent with criteria i, ii, and iii of Core Policy 34 and Core Policy CP19 of the Wiltshire Core Strategy. In addition, it is not considered that the proposal would be of strategic importance to the Wiltshire economy, and therefore does not qualify as an exception to the general approach to employment land provision under criteria iv of Core Policy 34. The proposal does not meet provisions for additional employment land and is therefore contrary to Core Policy 34 of the Wiltshire Core Strategy


2.    The proposal does not fall into any of the circumstances set out in Core Policy 48 under which development in rural areas will be supported. The proposal is for new industrial units in the open countryside and therefore is contrary to Core Policy 48 of the Wiltshire Core Strategy.


3.    The proposal, located remote from residential areas and services, and poorly served by public transport, is contrary to Core Policy 60 of the WCS as well as the key aims of NPPF which seek to promote sustainable development and reduce growth in the length and number of motorised journeys.


4.    The character of existing local countryside in this area is permanently changing into a sprawling urban area, which pays little respect to appropriate local distinctiveness in terms of design or character. Further incremental and piecemeal industrial development at this site or at other local green field infill locations along the rural roads in this area will eventually lead to unacceptable cumulative change. Local receptors will experience to varying degrees, changes in views of additional industrial units, a new formal highway access and entrance splay with entrance signage, security fencing, outdoor storage of materials and parked vehicles, additional lighting, noise and moving traffic, which on balance is considered to generate unacceptable change and harm to the character of the countryside. Accordingly, the development is considered to be in conflict with Core Policy 51 and 57 of the WCS as well as the key aims of NPPF which seek to deliver high quality design and enhance local landscape character and distinctiveness and also biodiversity wherever clear opportunities exist.

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