Agenda item

Local Transport Plan Funding Allocation

To receive information on the process for indentifying and funding transport schemes in the Community Area.


Cllr Dick Tonge


Councillor Dick Tonge, the Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport began by adding his comments on a number of issues raised by members of the audience.


Firstly he returned to the issue raised by a member of the public concerning dangerous traffic lights on the A30. He stated he would have further discussions with colleagues and local members to look at this, as a matter of urgency.


Secondly with regards to flooding issues in general, the unitary council had set up two Flood working groups, for the North and South to address flooding issues in these areas. In the north flooding generally took the form of flash flooding, as a result of the predominantly clay soil, whilst in the South, flooding was often as a result of high water boards in the chalk soil.


Thirdly he added that the Parish Steward scheme in general had eliminated some unnecessary bureaucracy – as the principle of the scheme was for the Parish Stewards to spot areas where roads where unsafe, and undertake repairs/take action immediately.


Local Transport Plan Funding Allocation

Councillor Dick Tonge announced £250,000 of funds to be spent on small local road repairs, and allocated via the 18 Area Boards. These funds had previously been spent on a case-by-case basis by officers in Trowbridge. He suggested that the Area Board form a Local Transport Plan working group to identify schemes they wished to progress using the discretionary highway budget that had been allocated to them.


Further information was circulated at a later date to the Area Boards, which included the following details:


The allocation of £13,676 to the Southern Wiltshire Area Board would be for capital funding and could only be used to provide new and improved infrastructure.  It could be used for schemes that would improve safety, increase accessibility and sustainability by promoting walking, cycling and public transport, and improve traffic management.  It could not be used to fund maintenance schemes or to pay for revenue functions such as passenger transport.


Due to the complexity of assessing and selecting a scheme from the many requests, and the potential time that such an agenda item would take, it had been proposed that recommendations were made to the Area Board by a Community Area Transport Group (CATG).


Members of the CATG would be identified by the Community Area Manager in conjunction with the Chairman, and agreed at the Area Board.  The number on each Group should not exceed ten and that the meetings take place during the day. Meetings would be attended by relevant officers from Wiltshire Council and would be chaired by the Area Board Chairman.


It was envisaged that the first meeting of the CATG would include a half day workshop covering the following matters:-


·         Background to the Council’s transport policies and transport funding.

·         Review of requests received in the community area.

·         Assessment of schemes.

·         Discussion on the need for a feasibility study

·         Discussion on future funding

·         Selection of scheme(s)

·         Recommendation to Area Board.



Councillor Chris Devine added that few highways issues in the Southern Wiltshire Community area were threatening, however the crossing of the A36 at Clarendon/Petersfinger was dangerous and needed action. The Chairman agreed, noting that the road is under the control of the Highways Agency.