Agenda item

Public Participation


Questions raised during the public participation session at the Bradford on Avon Area Board on the 17th March 2010


Question 1:


At the Bradford-on-Avon Area Board meeting in January 2010 the residents of Bradford-on-Avon voted increasing funding for the care of older people as a priority. As Britain has a population with an increasingly higher proportion of older people this funding area will increase over the foreseeable future.

 Despite this, as shown in the Wiltshire Council’s Council Tax leaflet issued to residents, Wiltshire Council has decreased expenditure on front line services, not only for older people and the physically impaired, but also for those with learning difficulties and mental health problems, whilst increasing expenditure on central and core service which includes items such as Chief Executive costs, procurement and HR.

I am deeply concerned that the views of Bradford-on-Avon residents have been ignored in the budget calculations, but further would appreciate detailed justification for a) the cuts in the front line services mentioned above and b) the Council’s willingness to increase core and central services costs at a time when its budget is showing a reduction in the amount spent on care for older people, which is an area which will grow over the years due to the shift in demographics.”

Wiltshire Council Response:


The 2010-11 budget contains growth of nearly £19 million. Whilst some of this is being used to support corporate services such as essential ICT infrastructure, the majority of this relates to front line services. Adult care services including the elderly have had growth of over £4million.


Efficiency savings of nearly £25 million have all been achieved from back office functions from measures such as continuation of the One Council for Wiltshire savings as the second year of the business case, further efficiencies arising from the Business Management Programme, procurement efficiencies and a range of other measures to reduce management and administration costs. 


Diane Teale request for further clarification:


Regarding the other question on the budget, the response does not appear to address the points raised.

Regarding the other question on the budget, the response does not appear to address the points raised.


Whilst overall adult services may have increased - it is not possible to establish this based on the numbers I have received - nevertheless, my question specifically related to older people, those with the physically impaired and those with learning difficulties and mental health problems where the booklet supplied by Wiltshire Council shows expenditure has decreased.


Furthermore, whilst the budget does indeed show an increase in ICT, I did not raise a question on that increase - instead I queried the increase in Core and Central Services: ICT costs are shown separately.


Wiltshire Council Response:

The budget for 2010/11 was prepared to allow for some growth in Adult Care Services, in the region of £4m, for example to help manage the increase in the population of Older People. 

However, like the whole of the Council, Adult Care Services have also developed plans to achieve efficiency savings, and the decrease in the spending on the areas highlighted; services for Older People, those with a physical impairment, learning disability or mental health problems, reflect these efficiency savings.  However, although overall spending has reduced this has been achieved by looking at the way that the services are provided and not through cutting services to people, for example making savings by improving our administration processes.    

With regard to the increase in the spending on what is described as Central Support Services for Community Services, this area now includes spending on premises used by the frontline services, which was previously reported across the other spending areas.

Question two:

“I responded to the Wiltshire 2026 – Planning for Wiltshire’s Future consultation, but have not received any feedback and was not invited to any workshop. Clearly I am disappointed to be excluded in this way, and furthermore I would like further clarification on the next steps for the consultation exercise including timeframes.”

Wiltshire Council Response:


Thank you for responding to the 'Wiltshire 2026 - Planning for Wiltshire's Future' consultation and your continued interest in the process. Unfortunately due to the volume of response it has not been possible to acknowledge all responses received. The consultation, which ran from 30 October until 31 December 2009, was intended to be as inclusive as possible. The purpose of the workshops was to enable representatives of local organisations to add their views to the consultation. In addition to the workshops the Council also held a public exhibition within the Bradford-on-Avon Community Area. The Council is currently considering all of the responses received to the consultation and intends to provide feedback to the Bradford-on-Avon Area Board summarising the comments received relating to the Community Area during the May/June cycle of meetings. The next steps will also be outlined at this meeting. 



Questions raised on the night.


Question 1: Cllr Bill Bailey,(Limpley Stoke Parish Council) – advised that he was seeking volunteers to form a small group to look at youth related schemes throughout the Bradford on Avon community area, a possible tall ship sailing experience was outlined.


Agreed that Cllr Bailey would seek volunteers for this group.



Question 2: Mr John Seekings expressed his concerns re the proposed river Avon footbridge and the performance reward grant that was approved by members at the 17 March, Bradford Area Board meeting.


The chair responded to say that it was too late to consider the Performance Reward Application in full at the area board but that he had written to the Town Council asking if they would like to make any amendment to the bid and that this would be considered at the Town Council meeting the following Tuesday.




Cllr Hewson left the meeting room after declaring a prejudicial interest on the Bradford on Avon foot bridge application, Cllr Rosemary Brown is now chairing the meeting.



Question 3: Cllr Isabel Martindale, (Bradford on Avon Town Council) requested administrative assistance from the Community Area Manager in minuting Bradford on Avon Town Council, Bridge project meetings following a meeting with Corporate Director Mark Boden, in which this suggestion had been made.


It was agreed that that the Community Area Manager would discuss this proposal with Steve Milton, (Head of Community Governance) and feedback to Cllr Martindale. The members of the board were largely in favour of the area board offering assistance as far as the area manager was able, dependant on workload.


Cllr Hewson is now back in the chair.