Agenda item

Updates from Partners

To receive updates from Partners, including Town and Parish Councils.


A document detailing the proposals for additional funding for youth services has been attached for information.


Officers: Tony Nye, Youth Development Co-ordinator and Emma Procter, Extended Schools Network Co-ordinator


The Chairman asked the floor and panel for any updates from partners:


Winterslow Parish Plan

Mick Brown – Member of Parish Plan Steering Group, explained that a parish  plan digest had been produced and progress was now well advanced with regard to the completion of the Parish Plan. The Steering Group wished to seek input from the Area Board at this stage.



Traffic Lights along the A30 at Junction with Pheasant Road

A member of the public raised the issue of three traffic light sets on a stretch of road, which were in his opinion very confusing as the three were within sight of each other. He thought the situation was highly dangerous and responsible for causing confusion at the junction.


Cllr Chris Devine, the local member for that area, assured the Board that he would take up the issue formally with Cllr Dick Tonge, the Cabinet member for Highways and Transport, by midday the following day, and push for urgent action.


Coombe Bissett Short Mat Bowling Club

Following the award of Area Board funding to Coombe Bissett Short Mat Bowling Club, David Germain from the club reported that the funding had been used and passed on the club’s thanks to the Area Board for their support.


Additional funding for Children and Young people in the Community area

The Area Board considered a report on additional funding for Children and Young people in the Community Area which showed proposals for the use of additional funding (£4,109) allocated to the Area Board to spend on projects for children and young people. The proposals were:


1)    Two activity days to be organised in August/September 2010, in different parts of the Community Areas for children aged between 10 and 16.

2)    Places for local primary aged children to access holiday clubs for at least a part of the summer holidays

3)    Funding / investigating minibus provision to enable children of various ages to take advantage of the free provision of activities being offered at Downton Leisure Centre and Five Rivers Leisure Centre over the summer holidays.

4)     Explore the issues relating to access to the Bluz ‘n’ Zuz events and if all other avenues of support had been exhausted, set up transport which ensured an equality of access to the event.


Tony Nye, Youth Development Co-ordinator introduced those present to proposals 1 and 4 in the report and Emma Proctor, Extended Schools Network Co-ordinator outlined proposals 2 and 3.


A discussion ensued and the key points were as follows:


  • A representative of the Community Area Young Persons Issue Group (CAYPIG), argued that the funding should be spent on a wider range of ages, including 16-18 year olds.
  • Emma Proctor clarified that with regards to proposal 2, the report concerned only the granting of £1500 which would provide places for five children at the camp for 15 days.  Transport costs would also apply, but these would be met from another funding source.
  • Councillor Chris Devine felt that given the limited sums of money the Area Board were responsible for they should always try to spend/allocate them in a way which would benefit the greater good. He felt the transport issues raised in the proposals also had high significance.
  • Tom Bray, the Community Area Manager (CAM), explained that the proposals were outline at this stage, and that the details could be finalised at an informal meeting, as recommended in the report, to avoid delaying the projects until after the next Area Board meeting on 19 August.



1.   The Area Board agreed in principle to proposal 1, subject to the financial implications being outlined in detail at a meeting with relevant officers and the Chairman, to ensure there is community-wide focus and promotion.

2.   The meeting outlined above should also include further detailed discussion and clarification on proposal 2.

3.   The Area Board agreed that appropriate funds be allocated to transport projects to maximise access to activity programmes to be determined at the same meeting outlined above.

4.   Clarification be sought on the transport arrangements for proposal 4.

5.   The final decision to release funding up to £4,109 in relation to the above was delegated to the Community Area Manager in consultation with the Chairman.  Details of how the funding was allocated would  be reported back to a future meeting of the Area Board.

Supporting documents: