Agenda item

15/04125/FUL - Bridge House, Martinslade, Seend, SN12 6RT


Public Participation

Mrs June May spoke in support of the application


The Senior Planning Officer introduced the application which recommended that permission be refused for a first floor extension to an outbuilding. It was confirmed that planning permission had been granted in 1990 for the existing outbuilding.


Key issues were noted as including the principle of development, the design and visual impact, and the impact on heritage assets (a nearby grade II listed building and the Kennet and Avon Canal).


Members of the Committee then had the opportunity to ask technical questions of the officer. It was confirmed that the outbuilding had no historic features.


Members of the public then had the opportunity to present their views to the Committee, as detailed above.


The Unitary division member, Councillor Jonathon Seed, then spoke in support of the application. Attention was drawn to a large modern building on the opposing bank of the canal which was roughly the same distance from the waterway as the outbuilding. It was noted that the outbuilding was located some distance from the grade II listed building and on the opposite side of the bridge on an existing employment site.


A debate then followed where the impact of the development on both historical assets was considered. Core Strategy 58 was discussed, whereby all developments must be sensitive to all heritage assets including waterways and canals. The quality of the building design drawings were considered, including the height, design, and characteristics.




To refuse the application for the following reasons:


1.    The proposed development would result in an outbuilding which would be of an inappropriate scale and design for the context of the site. The outbuilding, due to its significantly increased height and overall mass, would not appear subordinate or respect the proportion of the associated dwelling. The proportions of the proposed windows would be at odds with the local vernacular and the use of timber cladding would be out of keeping with the traditional local building materials. As such, the proposal would be contrary to both national and local planning polices, which seek to promote good design, namely section 7 ‘Requiring Good Design’ of the NPPF and Core Policy 57 ‘Ensuring High Quality Design and Place Shaping’ of the adopted Wiltshire Council Core Strategy.


2.    The proposed development would be detrimental to the appearance of the area and would harm the setting of the surrounding heritage assets. The outbuilding is considered to be of an inappropriate design and due to its position and overall mass, would appear overly prominent and intrusive when seen from the public realm and within the application property, to the detriment of the setting of the Grade II Listed dwelling and the adjoining Kennet & Avon Canal. As such, the proposal would be contrary to both national and local planning polices, which seek to preserve or enhance the historic environment, namely section 12 ‘Conserving & Enhancing the Historic Environment’ of the NPPF and Core Policy 58 ‘Ensuring the Conservation of the Historic Environment’ of the adopted Wiltshire Council Core Strategy.

Supporting documents: