Agenda item

Consultation Feedback

a. Health workshop (JSNA) – Jo Howes & Peter Thomas (NHS Wiltshire)


b. Wiltshire 2026 (Future of housing and employment land in Melksham community area) – Anna Lee (Spatial Planning, Wiltshire Council)


c. Future public service delivery in Melksham - Neil Ward (Strategic Property, Wiltshire Council)



a.Health workshop (JSNA) – Maggie Rae (NHS Wiltshire)


Maggie Rae gave brief update on the feedback received from the Heath Workshop that had been held on the 28 January 2010.January.


Points made included:


  • Excellent feedback had been received on the day about this event.


  • The workshop by NHS Wiltshire had launched the new “NHS health priorities”, which look at how towns across Wiltshire compare in health related matters.


  • The participants at the workshop prioritised the need for opportunities

         for children to be healthy to tackle levels of childhood obesity in the

            community area.


  • Good partnership working, getting children involved in sport, healthy eating and life style awareness.




b. Wiltshire 2026 (Future of housing and employment land in the Melksham community area) – Anna Lee (Spatial Planning, Wiltshire Council)


The Wiltshire 2026 consultation formed an important step towards the development of the Wiltshire Core Strategy,this strategy would eventually replace elements of the existing local plans which planning decisions are currently set against.


Points made included:


The Wiltshire 2026 consultation, launched during October 2009, outlined;


  • A vision for Wiltshire.


  • The opportunities and issues within each community area.


  • Proposals for how that area will change over time, including;

an outline of the suggested scale and location of housing and employment development where identified.



Issues raised in the Melksham Community Area.


         Town centre is in need of regeneration.


         Need to improve existing infrastructure, facilities and services.



         Melksham should not be restricted because it is identified as a market town rather than a strategically significant town.


         Support for economic growth in Melksham.


         Support for limited affordable housing in larger villages.


         Concern over number of houses proposed in Melksham.


         Objections to development between Melksham and Bowerhill.


         Desire to protect the historic setting of the Spa.


         Objections to employment development south of Berryfield.



Proposed actions to issues raised.


         Consider appropriate policy approach to regeneration of town centre.


         Identify facilities and services needed to support development, and consider appropriate policy approach to ensure timely provision.


         Review proposed housing allocation for Melksham.


         Reconsider proposed land for housing between Melksham and Bowerhill in light of concerns raised.


         Consider appropriate policy approach to protect historic setting of the Spa.


         Reconsider proposed employment site south of Berryfield in light of concerns raised.



A full report on the consultation outcome will be available in early June.The report will be available to view on the council’s website and at offices.




c. Future public service delivery in Melksham - Neil Ward (Strategic Property, Wiltshire Council)


Feedback from the 24 March meeting.



Points made included:


What services would you like to see offered from a service campus.


  • Sports facilities.


  • Library with areas for youth & scouts etc.


  • Involve all public agencies.


  • Youth Centres.


  • Scouts and guides.


  • Drop-in for OAP advice and club.


  • All of the current services retained.


  • Theatre.


  • Arts & Crafts.


  • Museum.


  • Multi screen cinema.


  • Bowling.




What do you think is important to the community in considering the accessibility of the customer contact point?


  • Outside out of “working hours”.


  • Publicise the service.




What are the big issues around accessing council services in Melksham?


  • How about out-reach sessions for the larger depts based in Trowbridge?


  • Ease of access of the library in its town centre location.


  • How would people without cars access an out of town location?


  • Sports and Leisure should be accessible at all times and near the business park.


  • Access should not be reduced if facilities are based on the school site.


  • Access for disabled and elderly – car parking, bus.


  • Opening times.




What are your thoughts over putting Council services in one location?


  • Good idea to combine resources.


  • What about the start-up costs in the current climate?


  • Impact on the town centre of relocating council functions away.


  • As long as they remain local with public transport and free parking.


  • Timing of access should not be reduced.


  • Loss of functions – eg. Bowling.


  • Impact of shared use of facilities with school.


  • Indoor bowls.




How do you feel the community should be consulted on this?


  • Questionnaires – in libraries, online, through schools.


  • Provide specific ideas for people to respond to.


  • Website.


  • Through events.


  • As widely as possible.


  • Removing rumours.


  • Transparency.




Next Steps.


         Dedicated consultation events – Summer 2010.


         Service based.


         Postal Surveys.


         Community Area Partnership website.


         Representation at the Party in the Park.


         Outlined proposals developed and reported back – Autumn 2010.


         Recommendations to Cabinet – End 2010.




The Chairman thanked everybody for the updates and feedback.