Agenda item

W/10/00527/REM - Application for reserved matters relating to 25 dwellings, garages, roads and associated engineering works - Land Off Hackett Place Hilperton Wiltshire


Councillor Jonathon Seed arrived at this point.


The Officer introduced the report and reminded members of the Committee that, as the principle of development had been established under outline permission obtained via a successful planning appeal, the main issues to be considered were only the reserved matters (as detailed on the agenda).


Public Participation:


1.         Councillor Trevor Carbin spoke on behalf of Hilperton Parish Council in objection to the application.


The Committee discussed various issues including environmental considerations, parking, access and the benefits of a site visit.

The Committee sought clarification from the officers as whether the Mead Primary School had made an objection to the application. The Officer informed the Committee that they had not received any objection from the Mead Primary School.


As the Committee did not agree a site visit would be beneficial, members of the committee further debated the issue of parking and access.


During the course of the debate Councillor Ernie Clark moved a motion that the Application be refused against officer recommendation, for the following reason: in the interest of road safety as on-street parking would be encouraged by the design and layout of the application to the detriment of both the Highway safety and other road users contrary to Policy C32 of the adopted Local Plan.

On being put to the vote the motion was LOST and Councillor Ernie Clark requested that his vote in favour of the motion be recorded.


The Committee then sought clarification from the officers on the possibility of adding a condition regarding parking and the use of the garages.




That planning permission be GRANTED


For the following reason(s):


The details submitted to satisfy the reserved matters of planning permission reference 01/01971/OUT are satisfactory and the development would result in no harm to any material planning interests.


Subject to the following condition(s):


1.         The development hereby permitted shall not be occupied until the first five metres of each individual property driveway, measured from the edge of the carriageway, has been consolidated and surfaced (not loose stone or gravel).  The driveways shall be maintained as such thereafter.


            REASONS: In the interests of highway safety.


            West Wiltshire District Plan 1st alteration (2004) POLICY H1.


2          The garages hereby approved shall be either used for the parking of cars or available for use for the parking of cars at all times.


REASON:   In the interests of safety and convenience of the users of the highway.


            POLICY:    Planning Policy Guidance Note: 13.




1          The developer is reminded that it is their responsibility to ensure compliance with all conditions connected with the planning approvals/permissions in connection with the development. This includes the conditions attached to the outline planning permission reference 01/01971/OUT as detailed in the Planning Inspector’s decision dated 9 January 2008.


2          You are advised that no works should commence on site until the precautionary measures listed in sections 4.6 – 4.9 of EDP’s Protected Species Report dated January 2010 have been undertaken and that no trees or scrub should be removed outside the bird nesting season 1st March – 31st August inclusive.




Supporting documents: