Agenda item

Planning Application - E/10/0107/FUL - Full planning application for: Retrospective change of use of land and buildings for the parking and storage of vehicles, plant and equipment pending preparation for sale or export. Improvements to road junction. At: Bromham House Farm, Devizes Road, BROMHAM SN15 2DX


The Committee received a presentation by the Area Development Manager, which set out the main issues in respect of the application.


The Committee then received statements from the following members of the public expressing their views regarding this planning application.


Public Participation:


1.                  Mr David Pearce spoke in support of the application.


Following a debate of the salient points,




Planning permission is GRANTED, subject to the conditions set out below, for the following reasons:


The decision to grant planning permission has been taken on the grounds that the proposed development would support legitimate diversification that would not have a harmful impact on the character and appearance of the countryside and that would result in improvements to road safety. The proposal is in accordance with policies PD1; NR6 and NR7 of the Kennet Local plan and with government guidance in PPS7 and PPS4.




Within three months of the date of this decision, there shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority a scheme of landscaping, the details of which shall include indications of all existing trees and hedgerows on the land, and details of any to be retained, together with measures for their protection in the course of development and all species, planting sizes and planting densities for new planting. The scheme shall include provision for landscaping the new section of access road to Bromham House Farm. .


REASON: To ensure a satisfactory landscaped setting for the development.



All soft landscaping comprised in the approved details of landscaping shall be carried out by 31st March 2011, unless otherwise agreed by the Local Planning Authority. Any trees or plants which, within a period of five years, die, are removed, or become seriously damaged or diseased shall be replaced in the next planting season with others of a similar size and species, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the local planning authority. 


REASON: To ensure a satisfactory landscaped setting for the development. 


The parking and storage of vehicles, plant and equipment shall be confined to the areas labelled E and F on Drawing No. 002A received on January 25th 2010.


REASON: To protect the appearance of the area and establish the extent of the area permitted to be used for parking and storage.



Within 6 months of the date of this decision. or such longer period as may be agreed by the Local Planning Authority, the junction of the access road with the A342 shall have been altered as detailed on plan numbers LDC.1382.003/D;  LDC.1382.004/C and LDC.1382.005/B received on April 20th 2010, including the construction of additional sections of footway, a new section of access road to Bromham House Farm and formation of a closed section of service road and access point thereto to serve the existing dwellings, in accordance with further details which have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to works commencing.


REASON: In the interests of road safety and the safety of pedestrians


The use shall be restricted to the parking and storage of vehicles, plant and equipment pending preparation for sale or export only, and for no other use, including any other use within Class B8 of the Town and Country Planning Use Classes Order (as amended).


REASON: The proposed use is acceptable as a rural diversification, but other uses for storage could give rise to additional planning issues, including highway matters, that may require evaluation at a future date. 



The height of any vehicles, plant and equipment stored on the site shall not exceed 4.3 metres above ground level.


REASON: To protect the appearance of the area.




The applicant should note that works within the existing highway (the verge area of the A342) will not be permitted without the separate consent of the Highway Authority. The Highway authority will require a Section 278 Agreement to secure the works.



This decision relates to documents/plans submitted with the application, listed below. No variation from the approved documents should be made without the prior approval of this Council. Amendments may require the submission of a further application.  Failure to comply with this advice may lead to enforcement action which may require alterations and/or demolition of any unauthorised buildings or structures and may also lead to prosecution.

(a) application form, justification statement and Drawing No. LDC.1382.002/A received on 25th January 2010;

(b) Drawing Nos LDC.1382.001/B and LDC.1382.006 received on 16th February 2010;

(c) Drawing No. 209803/SU-01 received on 1st april 2010;

(d) Drawing Nos LDC.1382.003/E; LDC.1382.004/C and LDC.1382.005/B received on 20th April 2010


Supporting documents: