Agenda item

Wiltshire Local Flood Risk Management Strategy

The Local Flood Risk Management Strategy (LFRMS) was reviewed by the Environment Select Committee on 28 October 2014, and was subsequently approved with minor alterations by Cabinet in December 2015. In view of the particular problems of ground water, a Groundwater Management Strategy has been developed (see Appendix 2) to augment the LFRMS.


To report on progress made with regard to flooding since the last report received by the Committee on 28 October 2014.


The Cabinet member for Housing, Leisure, Libraries, and Flooding explained that there had been fewer issues of flooding in the winter of 2014 when compared with previous years although there had been some flash flooding in September 2014. It was explained that Wiltshire Council was working well with all flooding partners and the Cabinet member commended the report to the Committee.


It was confirmed that the budget for the three flood working groups was controlled centrally had that the working groups had a clear understanding of how projects were prioritised.


It was noted that some local residents had concerns that the flood working groups met too often and that there was not a live action tracker online. The Cabinet member for Housing, Leisure, Libraries, and Flooding commented that regular attendees of the flood working groups considered the meeting frequency to be appropriate. It was also highlighted that parish councillors and partners could raise any issues through the Chairman in advance of the meetings.


Some members of the Committee commended the work of the flood working groups and encouraged parish representatives to attend when an issue of interest to their area arose. In relation to Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS), the importance of long term maintenance was emphasised. It was confirmed that the Drainage Team considered the long term sustainability of any systems when consulting on planning applications.


It was highlighted that, following the flooding in September 2014, a report had been expected and the Cabinet member for Housing, Leisure, Libraries, and Flooding undertook to investigate progress on this issue. It was highlighted that flooding in early autumn was a different issue to prolonged flooding in winter. The Head of Highways Asset Management and Commissioning explained that where flooding was caused by a specific reason, Wiltshire Council was usually able to effect a prompt solution but that other issues were less clear and took several years to resolve.


The Cabinet member commented that flooding was likely to be a permanent issue in Wiltshire. The expertise of local residents in flooding issues was noted and the Cabinet member advocated the importance of local involvement.


It was noted that the Developers’ Guidance Note did not include reference to the Wiltshire Council Core Strategy. It was suggested that the guidance should provide a clear statement that all developers are expected to comply with the Wiltshire Council Core Strategy. The Committee was informed that the full version of the Developers’ Guidance was likely to be available shortly.




1.    To note the progress being made on managing flood risk in Wiltshire, and the work of the Operational Flood Working Groups, which have been particularly effective at working with local communities, the Environment Agency, and other organisations.


2.    To note the development of the Groundwater Management Strategy and the Developers’ Guides to augment the strategy set out in the Local Flood Risk Management Strategy.


3.    To request that the annual report on the Local Flood Risk Management Strategy include information on Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS).


4.    To request an annual update be presented to the Committee.

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