Agenda item

Climate Change Strategy

In March the Head of Climate Change agreed to return to the Committee with an update on the development of the authority’s Climate Change Strategy.  A summary of the current progress is now attached in response, together with a report considered by Cabinet on 22 June.


The Head of Climate Change will be in attendance to give a short presentation on key developments within her Service.




The Committee is invited to consider the development of the Climate Change Strategy and progress made against climate change objectives and make recommendations as appropriate.


The Committee considered a report at its meeting in March 2010.  The report provided an update on the developments of the authority’s Climate Change Strategy.  The Committee resolved that a further update would be presented to the Committee’s meeting in July. 


A report by the Service Director, Economy and Enterprise, which was also submitted to Cabinet on 22 June 2010, was duly circulated to members for consideration.


Ariane Crampton – Head of Climate Change, attended the meeting to present the report and answer questions.  The Senior Climate Change Officers, recently appointed, were also in attendance.


The Cabinet member for Environment was unable to attend the meeting.


The following points were raised:


·        In advance of reporting to cabinet all reports were now screened for environmental implications and carbon footprint impact.


·        Research had been undertaken on best practice nationally.  The London Borough of Merton Climate Change Strategy was highlighted as a good example.


·        A draft strategy was planned for consultation September/October with a planned adoption date of December.


·        The Climate Change Strategy would include the framework strategy and full action plan and which would consider the carbon management plan (inc carbon trading strategy), adaptation plan, county carbon reduction plan and renewable energy action plan.


·        The aim of the Strategy was to highlight, inform and articulate details of the environment policy frameworks, how the Council dealt with carbon change and how it could change carbon emission levels.


·        The Climate Change Adaptation Plan was expected to be in place for February 2011 (in line with LAA target).


·        The framework strategy and climate change plans would be submitted to the Committee in September prior to being submitted to the Climate Change Board. 


Thanks were given to the Head of Climate Change and her team for the work undertaken although members of the Committee wished for the minutes to reflect their disappointment that the strategy had not been completed to date, whilst noting that the staffing structure had just been populated because of the delays in finalising the budget.


Ensuing discussion included the need for a strong message from Cabinet in support of and financial commitment to deliver the strategy on carbon change.  Consideration should be given by the Portfolio Holder - Environment on where the environmental strategy and policy sat within the current structure.


The Committee also felt that the strategy should be a risk based strategy which should highlight the main areas to be addressed with a list of prioritisation rather than range of activities as currently provided.  This should include details of the issues the Council could influence.


Further consideration should be given on ways to encourage climate change responsibility following the Committee’s recommendation to Cabinet to include climate change responsibilities within job descriptions although  acknowledgement was made that work was being undertaken to recruit ‘green champions’ as a way to encourage climate change awareness with staff across the organisation. 


The increase in carbon emissions for 2010/11 was higher as estimated figures were included in 2009/10 and took into account the likely increase in transport emissions.  A Green Fleet review was underway on ways in which to reduce transport emissions with a report expected at the end of October.  Wiltshire Wildlife Trust were being considered to undertake this additional work, although it may be more cost effective for the work to be undertaken in-house.


Vantage Point software would be used to build a baseline of carbon emissions within the county as the current information was based on 2007 data.  Vantage Point would enable the authority to consider property build, its impact and how the authority could achieve targets for Wiltshire in the future.  This would benefit the Council in calculating and addressing it’s carbon emissions taking into consideration that it was understood that a carbon emissions levy would be charged at £12 per tonne with a potential rise to £25 per tonne.


Smart meters continued to be rolled out with a drive for old meters upgraded and replaced with smart meters.




1)                 To ask the Cabinet member to confirm his supports towards the capital investment required to enable the fully staffed climate change team to achieve goals and to ensure the authority meets the minimum statutory requirements in respect of climate change.


2)         That the Head of Climate Change and Cabinet Member would attend the next meeting of the Committee in September to present the draft strategy, plan and renewable energy study/Carbon Management Strategy.

Supporting documents: