Agenda item

Future of Wiltshire Council Provided Public Conveniences

 Report by Carlton Brand, Corporate Director



 Cllr Philip Whitehead presented a report which provided Cabinet with the outcome of the recent public consultation and discussions with parish and town councils on and sought a decision on the future provision of the public convenience service.


Issues highlighted in the course of the presentation and discussion included: that the 7 conveniences that had not been transferred would remain open whilst a cost benefit analysis was undertaken on each; that local members would be kept informed of progress; the survey work undertaken that had informed the review; the financial pressures on the service; the options for developing a community toilet scheme, delivered through local businesses and organisations; that many town and parish councils had taken the opportunity to take over the running of facilities in their community.


Cllr Gordon King stated that his Town Council was happy to embrace this change and was arranging a lease arrangement; but that he was concerned as to the way in which the option was offered as an ultimatum. Cllr Whitehead stated that he felt that the conversations with the Towns and Parishes had been robust and had expressed the options clearly.


Cllr Chris Caswill  stated his support for keeping the Chippenham Bath Road toilets open, and welcomed the decision to proceed to a cost benefit analysis before any closures and asked that discussions continue with Town and Parish Councils who had so far not agreed to take on public conveniences in their areas.


Cllr Dick Tonge, in response to a matter raised by Cllr Atiqul Hoque, stated that Salisbury City Council should consider the proposal to transfer assets, and emphasised the point that Town and Parish Councils were better able to raise funds for public conveniences as they were not subject to a cap on Council tax increases.




(i)        To note the outcome of the public consultation and transfer any public conveniences that the towns and parishes wish to manage and undertake a ‘cost benefit’ analysis on any remaining facilities to decide their future.


(ii)       To delegate powers to the Associate Director, Highways and Transport following consultation with the Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport with regard to the cost benefit analysis decision on each remaining public convenience.


(iii)      Introduce a Community Toilet Scheme in Wiltshire and enabling where possible the opening of resources in Wiltshire public buildings.


(iv)     Authorise the Associate Director for People and Business to enter into appropriate formal arrangements for the transfer or lease of the assets on such terms as to be determined by the Associate Director for People and Business following consultation with the Associate Director for Highways and Transport, Associate Director for and Law and Governance and the Cabinet member for Highways and Transport.


Reason for Decision:


Due to Wiltshire Council’s continued need to concentrate on delivering priority

services; the funding for cleaning and maintenance of public conveniences was removed in April 2015.


However, these public conveniences remain open and the purpose of this report is to provide members with the outcome of a public consultation and to seek a decision about the future provision of the public convenience service.


Supporting documents: