Agenda item

People Strategy - Implementation

Committee members will recall that the Chairman and Vice Chairman met previously with the Service Director - HR and Organisational Development to discuss the key departmental activities and priorities for 2010. The outcomes of this meeting were reported to the committee and councillors resolved to add People Strategy implementation to the forward work programme.


A report by the Service Director – HR and Organisational Development, is attached which outlines the current Wiltshire Council People Strategy for the period 2008 to 2012.


The strategy has previously been presented to and approved by Cabinet, Joint Overview and Transition Scrutiny Board, Implementation Executive, Staffing Policy Committee for Wiltshire County Council and Staffing Policy Committee for Wiltshire Council.


Members are asked to review the People Strategy and to provide comment/recommendation as appropriate.


The People’s Strategy was identified as an area of work for consideration by the Committee following a fact-finding meeting with the Service Director – HR and Organisation Development.  The Strategy outlined the key objectives and plans to ensure that the authority had an appropriate workforce to meet the needs of the business and the major change programmes taking place.


The Strategic HR Manager – HR and Organisational Development - attended the meeting to present the report which provided an update on the implementation of the strategy and to answer questions arising from it.


Clarification was provided that the initial strategy had been submitted to Wiltshire County Council Cabinet in July 2008 and that the revised strategy incorporated the priorities within the DOR Business Plan and areas that were working well.


The strategy also included further information on the roll-out of staff training which was scheduled to commence in Autumn 2010.  The HR Manager was unable to clarify which specific groups in relation to manual workers were involved within the training process but confirmed that clarification would be sought following the meeting.


The current leadership programme commenced last year with a programme entitled ‘Management Matters’ running at present to establish the training needs required.  No performance indicators had yet been set as the programme was at an early stage of development.


A budget of £800k had been agreed for the leadership programme.  Regular updates would be provided by the Cabinet member for Resources to ensure that the programme was fulfilling requirements.  Examples of improved management could be seen through improvements in front line services where a ‘service’ culture had been developed.  This followed the implementation of ‘cultural workshops’ where values were emphasised as part of the Customer Focus programme.


The Committee felt that improved management leadership was vital to the progression of the organisation as a whole and should be a key priority for HR.  However, the Committee also queried the necessity of the £800k budget within the current economic climate and whether part of the funding should be diverted to front line services.


Clarification was provided that the ‘total rewards’ approach reflected the complete package that staff received which included, salary, pension and sickness schemes.


Recruitment issues still remained in some areas which was the result of some occupational groups falling within a more competitive market.  In the past some departments had offered market supplements in order to secure recruitment to vacant posts.  However, no market supplements had been requested over the past 18 months and those in existence were reviewed on an annual basis to ensure the supplement remained relevant. 


The supplements had been applied to several positions within the planning departments across the County although it was understood that the area of planning was currently under review given the need to merge the 5 existing systems together.


The Cabinet member for Resources confirmed that a written response would be provided to the Committee on when this review was expected to reach fruition.


The workforce planning framework was being developed in line with the local government workforce strategy and would take into consideration the current economic climate.  It was hoped for roll out within the next six months.  A pilot scheme was currently taking place.


Ensuing discussion also included the need to retain skilled staff, the impact on IT services during the transfer of support from Steria, succession planning and recruitment difficulties were also explored.


Clarification was provided that the IT team continued to ensure that workloads remained manageable with no impact on the work of the Workplace Transformation Programme where considerable work had been undertaken over the previous months.  The Committee was encouraged by the work the IT team had undertaken and requested that this was noted in the minutes.  The Cabinet member for Resources would ensure the message was passed on and that the Chairman and Vice-Chairman remained fully updated on events.




1)                 To thank the officer and cabinet member for the report and update.


2)         To support the progress on the implementation of the People Strategy but to note that an update should be provided on the action plan and workplace framework in light of the current economic circumstances at the end of October 2010.


3)         That the HR Manager – HR and Organisational Development would provide clarify on the groups consulted relating to manual worker training.


4)         That the Cabinet member for Resources would inform the Committee when the planning review was expected to reach fruition.

Supporting documents: