Agenda item



The Rights of Way Officer outlined the report which recommended that the Order be forwarded to the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs and that Wiltshire Council should take a neutral stance in the matter.


Members of the Committee were given the opportunity to ask technical questions of the officer which focused on; the sufficiency of evidence of use that may be accepted and to clarify conflicts of evidence.


Members of the public then had the opportunity to present their views to the Committee, as detailed:


Public Participation


Josh Stratton spoke in objection to the order.


Jonathan Cheal spoke in objection to the order.


Romy Wyeth spoke in support to the order.


Beth Richardson-Aitken spoke in support of the order.


David Shaw spoke in support of the order.


The Rights of Way officer clarified a point that the ‘private road’ signs could be considered to relate to vehicle access and not on those passing by foot or on horse.


A debate followed where a motion was moved to refuse the order. Key points of the debate were; the current signage was not relevant; the need to cross examine evidence, relevance of some evidence and lack of historical data information.


The motion to refuse the order was lost and a new motion to approve the officers’ recommendation was moved.




That “The Wiltshire Council Codford Path No. 15 Rights of Way Modification Order 2016” is forwarded to the Secretary of State for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs and that Wiltshire Council takes a neutral stance in the matter.

Supporting documents: