Agenda item

16/06564/OUT - Land North of No 554 Canal Bridge Semington


Public Participation


Rachel Yeomans, as the agent, spoke in support.

Mr Kevin Lockwood, as the applicant, spoke in support.

Mr Steve Payne, resident, spoke in support.


The planning officer, James Taylor, presented the report on an outline application for the erection of two detached dwellings, in which all matters except for access were reserved. It was recommended that the application be refused.


The key planning issues identified in the officer’s presentation were outlined, and comprised: the alignment of the size of the proposed development with the housing needs of the area; the 5 year housing land supply shortage; the development’s location outside of a main settlement; the distance from public transport routes; the current condition of the site; drainage options for the site; and the impact of the development upon the character of the area.


Members of the Committee then had the opportunity to ask technical questions of the officer. In response to questions it was confirmed that the statement in item 7 of the report, stating that Highways had no objection, was a typing error and should state that there was an objection. The planning officer also clarified the position of various local amenities and sites in relation to the proposed development site.


Members of the public had the opportunity to present their views to the Committee, as detailed above.


Cllr Roy While, as the local unitary division member, spoke in support of the application.


Cllr Ernie Clark, seconded by Cllr Trevor Carbin, moved that the application be refused for the reasons presented in the officer’s report.


In the debate that followed issues discussed included: that the air ambulance and local haulage sites were close by; that it was not an isolated site and that development would improve the character of the area; that there were public transport links close by; that it was important to act in accordance with existing housing policy; that the settlement was closer to Semington despite it falling within the Melksham without parish boundaries; and that the 5 year housing supply shortfall should be considered.


During the debate the planning officer clarified the position of a bus-only access gate; and confirmed that there was a 5 year housing supply shortfall. 


At the conclusion of the debate, it was:




To refuse planning permission for the following reason:

Having regard to all the submissions and relevant policies, including the policies of the NPPF taken as a whole, and mindful of the nominal 5-year housing land supply shortfall, this application is considered to be an inappropriate, unsustainable form of development which would have an adverse impact on the character and appearance of the area and highway impacts cumulatively would significantly and demonstrably outweigh the benefit of providing two additional dwellings in an open countryside location and the provision of employment created through construction processes. As such the proposal is not considered to represent sustainable development being contrary to CP1, CP2, CP51, CP57, CP60, and CP61 of the Wiltshire Core Strategy 2015 and the policies of the NPPF taken as a whole.



This application was determined against the following plans:

Site Location Plan, BDS-20-06-16 (Illustrated Layout), and BDS-20-06-16 (Topographic Survey) received on 5 July 2016.


Supporting documents: