Agenda item

Forward Work Programme

To note and receive updates on the progress of items on the forward work programme.


Under the revised Overview and Scrutiny (OS) arrangements there is now a single OS work programme controlled by the OS Management Committee, linked to priorities in the Business Plan.


Therefore it should be noted that, whilst any matters added by Members are welcome, they will be referred to the OS Management Committee for approval before formal inclusion in the work programme for the Environment Select Committee.


A copy of the Overview and Scrutiny Forward Work Programme for the Environment Select Committee is attached for reference.


The Chairman introduced the Forward Work Programme, explaining that it contained the recommendations of Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee under the last Council. These recommendations were formed following a “legacy process”, which included a councillor workshop event in January, ‘end of term’ style reports to the select committees in the Spring, and, finally discussion and agreement by Management Committee at its final meeting on 28th March. 


Attention was also drawn to the Municipal Waste Management Strategy listed on page 28 of the agenda pack.  The Chairman raised the proposition of the Waste Management Team, that they would like to arrange a seminar, to which all Members would be invited, to help inform a wider consultation with the public.


A verbal update was given by Tracy Carter- Associate Director for Waste and Environment, who explained that the purpose of the seminar would to notify members of the current service and ask a series of questions; the responses to which would help to inform a wider consultation through area boards and direct with residents.


Several Members expressed the view that it was important that the Scrutiny Committee was involved throughout the process, and that scrutiny should look at the implementation of existing contracts, along with future arrangements. Tracy Carter, assured Members that the process would be open and transparent and that there would be an opportunity for the proposed strategy to be scrutinised at all levels.


The Chairman also drew attention to an amendment made by the Management Committee in regards to the ‘planning’ item, where it was felt this was a governance issue within their remit, rather than that of the Environment Select Committee.


The Chairman explained that the proposal was to support the establishment of a task group, headed by Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee, to review the council’s planning committee system, of which Environment Select Committee Members would be invited, with the Chairman and Vice-chairman authorised to bring detailed proposals back to a future meeting.


The point was raised that there could be an opportunity for scrutiny involvement in regard to outcomes and delivery around the planning process In the debate that followed, it was confirmed that there was a distinction between the issues relating to ‘planning process’; such as the administrative procedures (which would be considered by the Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee task group),and the issues of outcomes and delivery; such as poor planning and provision of infrastructure, to accommodate large numbers of new homes.  Members expressed a willingness to approve the proposals in regards to the Management Committee’s ‘planning process’ task group, but they voiced an interest in addressing the other substantive issue in ‘planning outcomes and delivery’.



  1. To support the arrangement of a seminar, to inform all Members of the work of the Waste Management Service and allow them to ask questions and make proposals for a new strategy, prior to a wider public consultation.


  1. To:

a.    Support Management Committee’s establishment of the Planning Committee System Task Group on 6 June 2017, with its Chairman and Vice-chairman authorised to take this work forward.

b.    Note that the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of Environment Select Committee, plus other interested Members, will be invited to contribute to discussions of the Task Group’s scope.


  1. That authority be delegated to the Chair and Vice-Chair, as well as Cllrs Lay and Murray, to liaise with relevant officers in regards to issues with ‘Planning Outcomes and Delivery’, to consider options and then to bring these recommendations back to Committee for approval.


Supporting documents: