Agenda item

Learning Disabilities In-house Respite Services

 Report by Dr Carlton Brand, Corporate Director


 Councillor Jerry Wickham presented the report which: provided background information regarding the current Respite offer for people with learning disabilities including the current council owned and operated residential respite services and the reduction in the usage of these services; informed cabinet of the consultation process that was undertaken regarding the proposal to close 70 Derriads Lane Residential Respite Unit; and sought approval for the closure of 70 Derriads Lane Residential Respite Unit. In presenting his report, Councillor Wickham highlighted the following matters: the description of the facilities in question; the CQC report and their view on the inadequacy of some facilities; the reduction in the demand on the facilities; the results of the consultation undertaken; the impact on those using the facility and how their needs could be met at other facilities.


Councillor Christine Crisp, in her capacity as Chair of the Health Select Committee, confirmed that the committee had not had an opportunity to discuss the report due to the timing of meetings but that the Chair and Vice-Chair had been offered a briefing by officers on the matter. She expressed her personal view that the proposal appeared reasonable and stated that the committee would consider a update report in the future.


In response to concerns raised by Councillor Ian Thorn, Councillor Wickham restated his belief that it would not be appropriate to redevelop the site as a respite unit as alternative sites provided more appropriate facilities. Councillor Wickham also confirmed, in response to a question from Councillor Laura Mayes, his view that the three remaining centres would have sufficient capacity to meet future demand.


In response to concerns raised by Councillor Brian Mathew, Councillor Laura Mayes confirmed that a decision had been made three years ago to cease funding for overnight respite stays at Rowdeford School in response to the changing demand of families most of whom preferred to seek alternative types of respite with a view to maximising their children’s time at home in their communities.


In response to a representation received from Councillor Gavin Grant, the Leader stated that she would ask officers to look at how the scheduling of meetings can best accommodate the needs of effective scrutiny.


In response to a representation received from Mr Colin Gale regarding his experience as a carer, Councillor Wickham reconfirmed his commitment to providing the best respite services in the appropriate locations; and the Leader encouraged all carers to stay in contact with the Council so that they could receive up to date advice about what support was available.




1.     To note the background information regarding the current Respite offer for people with learning disabilities including the current council owned and operated residential respite services and the reduction in the usage of these services;


2.     To note the consultation process that was undertaken regarding the proposal to close 70 Derriads Lane Residential Respite Unit; and


3.     To approve the closure of 70 Derriads Lane Residential Respite Unit.


Reason for Decision:


There has been a reduction in the demand for residential respite for people with learning disabilities with 20% fewer people accessing the services compared with 2015/16 resulting in an overall reduction of 13.8% usage.


A recent CQC inspection of 70 Derriads Lane has highlighted concerns with the overall condition of the building and issues around limited storage of equipment. Due to the building type (adapted bungalows) the building offers limited scope to further adapt it to meet the demands of people with complex needs in the future that increasingly require respite services.

Supporting documents: