Agenda item

Chairman's Announcements

To note any announcements through the Chairman, including:


The Chairman made the following announcements:-



SWAST - 2017/18 Quality Report


South Western Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust would welcome the Committee’s comments on its 2017/18 Quality Report. This was due to be circulated on 16 April but had been slightly delayed. The Quality Report had now been received and wouldl be circulated to members of this Committee for comments to be sent back to the Senior Scrutiny Officer.


Cllr Gavin Grant was reassured that his request for the additional information following the September meeting had not been forgotten; a reminder had been sent and a response from Paul Birkett-Wendes was awaited.



Adult Care Charging Policy update


At the 9 January 2018 meeting the Committee resolved to receive confirmation, possibly via an announcement after 31 March 2018, that all re-assessments had been undertaken. The following update had now been received:


Until recently, the Financial Assessments and Benefits Team had been on schedule to complete all re-assessments by the end of March 2018.  All service users had been contacted about the reassessment process and to offer a date for an appointment.  


Many of the remaining cases were more complex and, unfortunately, more recently, a number of service users had not been at home at the time of their appointments or had called to rearrange (for example because a family member was no longer available to support them).  Some appointments had needed to be rescheduled several times.  This meant that by the end of March there were a number (around 80) reassessments still outstanding.  Most of these had now been rescheduled and it was expected that all would be complete by the end of May 2018.



Corporate Peer Challenge



The feedback report received from the Local Government Association following the Corporate Peer Challenge that took place in November 2017; and the draft action plan which had been developed to reflect the feedback and recommendations made had been considered by Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee on 20 March and Cabinet on 27 March.





Integrated Community Equipment and Support Services - Recommissioning





































Cabinet on 27 March 2018 resolved to:


a) To agree to the opportunities being explored for a joint commissioning exercise between BaNES, Swindon and Wiltshire STP, of integrated community equipment and support services.


b)    To authorise an exemption to Wiltshire Council’s Integrated Community Equipment and Support Services to enable up to a further 18 months extension of the Medequip contract, that will be applied in a 12 months period, plus the option for a further 6 months.


The committee would be kept informed of progress on this.


NHS Health Checks Rapid Scrutiny


An opportunity to take part in this Rapid Scrutiny exercise on Tuesday 26 June 2018 at County Hall, with a briefing at 9.00am and the meeting starting at 10.00am (until 12noon) had been advertised in the previous week’s Elected Wire. Any Member wishing to take part or have any questions were requested to contact Marie Gondlach, Senior Scrutiny Officer.


Places of Safety


The CCG had provided the following update.


Since the last Health Select Committee meeting the issues raised by the then Interim Director of Adult Social Services and Public Health regarding the Place of Safety and Section 136 assessments for Swindon patients in Wiltshire had been satisfactorily resolved, with a workable solution reached between Swindon CCG and Wiltshire Council.


User engagement with Adult Care


The Committee had been informed at tits January meeting of Cabinet’s review of its commissioning of the statutory HealthWatch function and the delivery the non-statutory functions with regards to user engagement with Adult Care. The Committee was also given a tender process update at the March meeting.


Wiltshire Council had now awarded the supplier contracts as follows:


Help and Care had secured the contract for the Healthwatch Wiltshire tender. Help and Care already had Healthwatch contracts across the south


Wiltshire Centre for Independent Living (WiltsCIL) had secured the contract for the Service User Engagement service. It was already an established provider in Wiltshire, delivering support services to adult social care customers over the past eight years.


Both contracts were awarded for three years to run from 1 June 2018 with an option to extend for a further two years.