Agenda item

Community Development and the Joint Strategic Assessment (JSA)

Discussion of the role of the area boards in furthering the aims of the JSA in general and community development in particular.


“We need your views!”


The Chairman explained that at the last Area Board there was considerable debate about the function of the Board. He noted that Area Boards were always envisaged as an interface between communities and the administration at Trowbridge.


There were areas where we do need to engage with Wiltshire Council, however our focus had been to work downwards, as we feel that was the best way to improve things for our communities.


The Board wished to have a discussion on the role of the Area Boards, in furthering the aims of the JSA in general and community development in particular.


The Board tried to help communities and parishes with resources and funding where possible. Including signposting to additional funds and volunteering groups.


Tom then ran through some of the JSA themes. The priorities were split into 9 themes, with 27 sub themes, all selected by people at the JSA event in 2016.


He explained that where there were gaps, they would like to look at doing something about it.


The onscreen presentation then showed a table of 9 themes, of which, people were then asked to vote on the top three for their own community.


1.Children and young people

2.Community Safety




6.Health and wellbeing, Leisure

7.Your Community & Housing


9.Older People


Following the vote, themes 1,2,& 5 were prioritised by those in attendance. Further consultation on these themes would go out to parishes to contribute.


Feedback was then sought on what was missing or what else could be done within the three themes.


Children and young people


-        Playparks, the PCs were having to take them on with not much help or funding.

-        We should ask the young people themselves, go to the youth clubs and groups. Action: Cllrs to take that on in their own areas.

-        The support to the youth clubs was great, but not all of the young people in our areas had access to youth clubs and activities. Need to look at expanding that to all.

-        Battery free light to help children to walk on country roads to school. Could we look at other area boards to see what they are doing in these areas of work. There may be other things we are already doing to see if we can pick up on them. Action: Tom to do an audit.

-        We don’t currently bring the youth clubs together, unite clubs and resources.


Community Safety

-        Could we take some time to take this back to our parish councils and then feedback? – yes.

-        A closer relationship with the police and the parish councils.

-        Lack of communication, it was not a two-way stream.

-        PCs feel frustration because they do not see the local bobbies enough.

-        When we do let them know about incidents, we would also like feedback on what happened.

-        Speeding cars through the villages, only a few have speed watch, if you have not got it then what do you do if there are no volunteers.




-        We have seen great progress with foot paths

-        Fly tipping, would it be more economical for people to take things straight to the tip free of charge? – if all the recycling centres were free this would not affect the fly tipping incidents.

-        Environment around housing estates, the lack of weeding and grass cutting, this makes people feel that nobody cares and so why should they care.

-        We could have a themed meeting on the environment.

-        There are a lot of tasks to be undertaken in the community area, we need volunteers. The more people the better.



The Chairman noted that all of the headings come down to finding people who want to help. He asked them all to go back to their parish councils and community groups and have a thrash about at looking at these and finding logical ideas. Forward the ideas to Tom and we will collate and bring them back to the next Area Board.


Funding available














Area Board

Discretionary Capital

CATG funding Capital

Health and wellbeing Revenue

Older Peoples' Champion Revenue

Youth Revenue


Total                  Area Board budget 18/19











The Chairman asked those present whether based on the discussion to identifying the three themes, did they want the board to spend money on those themes or not?


As money was increasingly tight, The Board asked for guidance on whether there was support for the idea of a closer relationship between the way we decide grants and the prioritised themes.


A vote was held using the handsets, support for this was not strong, as it was felt that the Board needed to retain the discretion to make individual decisions.


The Chairman noted that he would wait for the fuller feedback from parishes and community groups before we focus on a set area for work.





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