Agenda item

Updates from Town and Parish Councils and Partner Organisations

To receive updates from the Town and Parish Council Representatives, and from other partner organisations, including outside bodies on which the Area Board is represented.



The Chairman referred to the updates set out in the agenda and invited further updates from Town and Parish Councils and other partner organisations, including outside bodies.  It was noted that the preferred option was for written updates, to minimise time spent during the meeting.


Inspector Martyn Sweett referred to the update from the Police at page 23 of the agenda, commenting that since the publication of the figures shown, there had been a slight increase in the number of burglaries from dwellings, many of which had been from premises which had been left unlocked.  Some suspects had been identified for this recent increase with some arrests taking place; nevertheless, people were requested to avoid leaving presents on show during the Christmas period.


Inspector Sweett reported that the Crime Prevention and Bike Safety Day advertised for 11 December would now be moved to another date to be published shortly.


There would be an increase in road checks to support the Christmas campaign against Drink and Drug Driving.


Parish Councils should have received information from the Police Authority regarding the budget consultation, with around £50 million of cuts due over the next few years.  It was hoped that this could be kept to back office costs, to protect front line services.


Mike Franklin of Wiltshire Fire and Rescue referred to the written update at page 27, commenting that the number for fires had reduced to a ten-month low.  In addition, the service continued to undertake a large number of fire safety checks at residents’ homes, with checks particularly recommended for the elderly or infirm.  Forms were available or could be downloaded from the website.


Responding to a question regarding the replacement of fire alarms provided by the Fire and Rescue service, Mike explained that some faults had developed whereby the alarms bleeped continuously, however they still worked as fire detectors.  The faulty alarms could be replaced by calling 0800 389 7849 and leaving the relevant details on the answerphone.  It was requested that this number be conveyed to as many people as possible in the community area.


Referring to the update from NHS Wiltshire, Councillor Jane Scott commented that significant changes were proposed to the way in which health services were delivered.  It was proposed that Councils would be responsible for public health for the first time since 1974, working with GPs and hospitals to deliver a more joined-up service provision.


The Chairman referred to the letter set out at page 37 which expressed support from Amesbury Town Council for the proposed skatepark.  Also included at pages 33-35 was the feedback to the questionnaire carried out by Amesbury Youth Council.  In general, the responses to the questionnaire had been supportive, and had underpinned the need for such a facility in the town.  It was reported that, due to technical reasons, the skatepark could not be located at Archers Gate, and it was now proposed that the skatepark could be located at the forthcoming Kings Gate development.  The Chairman expressed his thanks to Amesbury Town Councillor Chris Burden for his work on the skateboard project.


In relation to this issue, the Chairman reported that a concern had been raised by a resident of Amesbury in relation to the minutes of the Area Board meeting on 25 March 2010 where the Board had agreed to support a bid for R2 funding for the Harvard Play Park in Amesbury.  The Chairman confirmed that the minutes stood as a correct record, as the Amesbury Town Council representative had indeed commented at the March meeting that no objections had been received to the specific proposal that the play park be installed.  It was further acknowledged that there continued to be concerns from some residents regarding the play park, and the Area Board was aware that these concerns were being considered at regular multi-agency meetings involving local police officers, community safety officers, town councillors and residents.


Reference was made to a statement received from the Bourne Valley Alliance of Parish Councils in relation to waste collection, specifically raising concern over the lack of direct consultation with Parish Councils.  The Chairman reported that he had received a response from Councillor Toby Sturgis (Cabinet Representative for Waste, Property and Environment) confirming that the cabinet had agreed to harmonise the waste collection service across the county.  Councillor Sturgis had further confirmed that as soon as an implementation timetable had been agreed for the revised service, he would attend a meeting of the Area Board to answer concerns and questions from town and parish councils, and to seek advice on local implementation issues. 


Councillor Graham Wright gave an update on behalf of Durrington Town Council.  He thanked the Area Board, in particular Karen Linaker, the Amesbury Community Area Manager, for the number of local projects which were on-going or completed.  However, he also raised concern regarding a number of issues in Durrington which were yet to be resolved.  Councillor Jane Scott, the Leader of the Council, asked for the list of issues to be copied to her, and she would endeavour to expedite the resolution of the matters in question.


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