Agenda item

15/00401/WCM - Parkgate Farm Waste Management Facility, Purton, Swindon, SN5 4HG - Retention of existing composting facility and associated access, and increase throughput

A report by the Case Officer is attached.


The Committee received a presentation by the Case Officer which set out the issues in respect of the application. The purpose of the report was to assess the merits of the proposal against the policies of the development plan and other material considerations and to consider a recommendation that the application be approved.


Members then had the opportunity to ask technical questions after which they heard statements from members of the public as follows:-


·                     Mr John Harmer, a local resident, who spoke in opposition to the proposal.


·                     Professor Richard Pagett, a local resident, who spoke in opposition to the proposal.


·                     Mr Simon Allen, Waste Operations Manager, Hills Waste Solutions, the applicant, who spoke in support of the proposal.


·                     Cllr Mark Clarke, Chairman, Cricklade Town Council, who spoke in opposition to the proposal.


·                     Cllr Chris Hodgson, Chairman of Planning, Conservation & Transport Committee, Cricklade Town Council, who spoke in opposition to the proposal.


·                     Cllr Emma Brook, Chair of Braydon Parish Council, who provided a statement opposing the proposal which was read out by Cllr Jacqui Lay.


Members then heard the views of Cllr Jacqui Lay, the local Member, who set out her objections to the proposal.  She was particularly concerned about the increase in traffic which this proposal would generate and did not consider that the current road network would adequately cope with this increase. Cllr Lay   considered that this would have an adverse effect particularly on Cricklade.  She also objected on account of the increase in foul smelling odours emanating from the vehicles transporting the waste and considered that an odour management plan was required.


Cllr Bob Jones, Member for Cricklade, expressed his opposition to the proposal, stating that he was particularly concerned about the number of Heavy Goods Vehicles which would result if this application was approved.  


The Traffic Engineer had stated that the increase in traffic would amount to no more than 1% which the current roads should be able to accommodate.


After some discussion, on the proposal of the Chairman, which was seconded by Cllr Tony Trotman,




To grant planning permission subject to the following conditions –




The development to which this permission relates shall be begun not later than the expiration of 3 years beginning with the date of this permission. Written notification of the date of commencement shall be sent to the Local Planning Authority within 7 days of such commencement.


REASON: To comply with Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.



The development hereby permitted relates to the following submitted plans:


No. 3141/1A dated 12/2014 (red-edged site plan)

No. PGF/COMP/PP2/001 dated 10/06/13 ('Planning Boundary' plan)


REASON: For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning.



The waste material to be processed (composted) at the site shall comprise ‘green waste’ only.


REASON:  To comply with the terms of the application (which seeks to process green waste at the site only, and not other waste categories, including tyres), and other waste materials raise environmental and amenity issues that would require consideration afresh.


INFORMATIVE:  For the purposes of this condition ‘green waste’ is defined as those materials listed in Table 3-1 of the Parkgate Farm Composting Facility Odour Management Plan, ref: EPR/AP3196EK, and dated 08.01.2015 prepared by Hills Waste Solutions Limited.



The total tonnage of green waste delivered to the site shall not exceed 50,000 tonnes in any twelve month period.


REASON:  To comply with the terms of the application and to ensure that the development substantially accords with the terms of the Transport Assessment Update dated January 2019 which accompanies the planning application and its conclusion that this scale of operation would not pose highway safety or capacity issues in the locality.



A record of quantity (in tonnes) of waste materials delivered to the site and all the waste-derived products despatched from the site shall be maintained by the operator of the site and made available to the local planning authority on request.  All records shall be kept for at least 36 months.


REASON:  In order that the local planning authority can monitor the approved development.



No vehicle shall enter or leave the site and no working or operations shall take place at the site except between the hours of:


07:30 - 18:00 Monday to Friday

07:30 - 12:00 Saturdays

07:30 - 18:00 Bank Holidays


No working shall take place at any time on Sundays or on Christmas Day, Boxing Day or New Year's Day


REASON: For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of local amenity



The plant associated with the development hereby approved shall be permanently sited and/or screened to ensure that noise emissions shall not exceed a Rating level of 40dB (over any 15 minute period) when measured free-field in any residential garden. Measurements and assessments shall be carried out in accordance with BS4142:1997.


REASON: To safeguard the amenity of the area and local residents.


The haul roads, stockpiles, processing areas shall be watered down or treated with an approved dust laying agent at times as may be necessary to prevent dust nuisance arising from the site.


REASON: To safeguard the local environment



No floodlighting shall be erected at the site until a scheme of floodlighting has been submitted and approved in writing by the Waste Planning Authority. The scheme shall include details of the height of the lighting posts, intensity of the lights (specified in lux levels), spread of light, including approximate light spillage to the rear of the lighting posts, any measures proposed to minimise the impact of floodlighting or disturbance through glare and the times when such lights will be illuminated. Any floodlighting/external lighting shall be used only in accordance with the Michael Woods Associates Bat Survey dated October 2007.


REASON: To safeguard the amenity of the area.



Any above ground storage tank(s) shall be sited on an impervious base and surrounded by a suitable liquid tight bund. No drainage outlet shall be provided. The bunded area shall be capable of containing 110% of the volume of the largest tank and all fill pipes, draw pipes and sight gages shall be enclosed within its curtilage. The vent pipes shall be directed downwards into the bund.


REASON: To minimise the risk of pollution of groundwater.




All waste tipping, handling, sorting, storage and composting shall be carried out upon an impervious concrete base which shall drain to the surface water lagoon.


REASON: To minimise the risk of pollution of watercourses



The height of any stockpile shall be restricted to a maximum of 4 metres.


REASON: In the interests of visual amenity.



In order to protect the existing habitats, all existing trees and hedges shall be permanently fenced off to prevent encroachment and damage from site operations in accordance with the details shown on Drawing number 3141/Hedges/16 02 09/V6 dated 16 February 2009. No placement of goods, fuel or chemicals, soils or other materials shall take place in the fenced area.


REASON: To ensure that the development does not encroach on existing planting causing root damage and to conserve the habitat at the woodland/hedge edge as a feeding/refuge corridor for wildlife.



Vehicular access to the application site shall be via Mopes Lane and the existing haul road and railway bridge only.  There shall be no access to the site via any other routes. 


REASON:  To comply with the terms of the application and to ensure that the amenities of residents within the wider area are protected.






Supporting documents: