Agenda item

Partner Updates

To receive updates from the following partners:


·         Wiltshire Police

·         Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC)

·         Fire and Rescue Service

·         Schools updates

·         Town and Parish Councils

·         Health Services




Cllr Philip Whitehead arrived at 6.41pm.


Written updates were available in the agenda pack from Wiltshire Police, Dorset & Wiltshire Fire Service, Healthwatch Wiltshire and the CCG.


In addition to the written updates, the following verbal updates were given by the partners present:


·         Wiltshire Police

Acting Inspector Pete Foster directed the meeting to the written report in agenda pack. In addition he announced that several arrests had been made recently for offences including the theft of lead from St James’ Church roof and for possession with intent to supply.

A knife amnesty (Operation Sceptre) had taken place which was very successful. Although Devizes did not have an issue with knife crime, many knives had been handed in.

Devizes Police had also been focusing on Rural Crime, trying to tackle offences like hare coursing and theft.


·         Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC)

PCC Angus Macpherson drew people’s attention to the updated Police and Crime plan which was available on their website ( The annual report on policing in the county for 2018/2019 was also available on the website.

Wiltshire Police had been recruiting heavily. There were over 500 people being assessed. There were 40 people training to be officers at the current time and 20 more joining after Christmas. It was explained that it took time to recruit and train officers as they received around 22 weeks training and then a year’s further on the job training.

The PCC highlighted the Herbert Protocol detailed on page 41 of the agenda pack, which consisted of a document in which carers, family and friends of vulnerable adults can fill out key details about the individual as a pre-emptive measure in case they later go missing. This would enable the police to start their initial enquiries sooner with the aim of finding the missing person safe and well. The PCC requested that people promote the protocol.

In response to questions it was stated that unfortunately knife crime was part of 21st century living, however the police were not complacent. Police fire arms teams were moving back under Wiltshire Police control and once this had happened there would be more education and prevention work undertaken. The force was also looking for PCSO’s to work educating youths. They wanted the important message that most people who are hurt by knives are also knife carriers to reach young people.

Cllr Laura Mayes also stated that there was a Community Safety Partnership where multi-agency work was undertaken to do contextual safeguarding to protect vulnerable people. The reverend of St James’ Church stated that Amnesty bins were headline grabbing but work went on all year round to prevent knife crime.


·         Schools updates

Phil Bevan, Head teacher, Devizes School welcomed those present to Devizes School and advised that there was a lot of building work being undertaken at the moment. He gave a brief update on behalf of Georgina Keily-Theobald, Head teacher, Downland School. Downland had been expanded and could now take around 90 students. It was a Special Education Needs (SEN) School and was now fully co-educational, taking boys and girls with SEN.

Lavington School and Devizes School were holding a combined open evening for 6th formers at Devizes School. Both head teachers had also been to Dauntsey’s School to see how they could all work together

Devizes School had hosted a Remembrance Service, with around 1,400 people attending. It was a fantastic service and had been a good opportunity for young and old to mix.

Devizes School was also running a café after school for young people, with table tennis, activities and mentors. This ran on a Monday and Thursday evening.

Mark Lacselles, Head teacher, Dauntsey’s School stated that they were running a primary school partnership which involved a lunch for older and vulnerable people.


·         Town and Parish Councils

Simon Fisher, Devizes Town Council Clerk gave a brief update to the meeting. The asset transfer was progressing with all services transferred, apart from the Market Place. Suggestions for this had been out for consultation. The current proposal was to have a 50/50 split between parking and community space, with some flexibility to adjust this depending on circumstances. In principal this had been accepted by Wiltshire Council. Cllr Philip Whitehead stated that once the Market Place was transferred to Devizes Town Council it would be owned by Devizes Town Council and Wiltshire Council would lease back the area for parking. The proposed flexibility in the area used for parking was difficult as you had to have defined liability so that people were protected. Wiltshire Council solicitors were currently working to find a solution to this issue. 


The Chairman thanked everyone for their updates. 


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