Agenda item

Partner Updates

To receive updates from the following partners:


·       Wiltshire Police

·       Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner

·       Dorset and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service

·       Schools Update

·       Town and Parish Councils

·       Devizes indies



Updates were received from the following partners:


·       Wiltshire Police

Sergeant Gareth Edwards of the Devizes Neighbourhood Policing Team gave an update, including figures for recent crimes and incidents. Priorities for the team were stated as anti-social behaviour, speeding and drugs.


·       Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner

Angus Macpherson, PCC, explained that the election for the new PCC and Deputy PCC had been due to take place in May 2020 but had been postponed until May 2021 due to COVID-19. Therefore, the PCC and the Deputy PCC had been invited to stay on for an extra year. The Police and Crime Plan had been updated and was available at The Annual Report was also available at


Details were given regarding ‘Operation Uplift’ and police recruitment. A national announcement by government to increase police officers by 20,000 had been made in 2019. In Wiltshire and Swindon the police force had been at 934 officers, this had been increased and would reach a new figure of 1,050 officers in March 2021. However, it did take time to train the new officers.


An update on policing in the pandemic was given. Wiltshire Police followed the College of Policing Guidance to Engage, Explain and Encourage, only Enforcing as a last resort. This had been working well and there was scrutiny in place to ensure that any Fixed Penalty Notices were issued correctly.


·       Dorset and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service

A written report was provided which could be found in the agenda pack.


·       Schools Update

Ralph Plummer, Headteacher of Lavington School gave an update. The school had not any confirmed cases of COVID-19 during term time. There had been one case during half term but as the pupil was off school no one else had been exposed. The students had been very resilient given the circumstances. Implementing zones within the school had been difficult and it was hoped a solution could be found so that all students could access facilities such as the science block. A successful socially distanced event had been held for Armistice day and Park runs had been taking place for Movember. The Vice-Chair passed on thanks to all staff at the school.


Mark Lascelles, Headteacher of Dauntsey’s gave an update. Unfortunately, there had been 6 COVID-19 cases prior to half term and a further 3 that week. Pupils had isolated and remote working was being undertaken, staff had been working very hard to facilitate this. A worry for the school was the rising tide of mental health issues exacerbated by lock down and the uncertainty regarding next summer’s exams. Fortunately, their pupils could still undertake sports and activities outside.   


·       Town and Parish Councils

Simon Fisher, Clerk at Devizes Town Council gave an update. There had been some bulb planting at Quakers Walk and some rewilding of the town was taking place. DTC were working with the COVID support group and Devizes indies.


·       Devizes Indies

Ida McConnell gave an update; the group had grown from the 4 core members. Collaborative working had been undertaken in order to promote the group. IndieDAY had been a great success with increased sales for retailers who had taken part. The implementation of a second lock down was a blow, however the group responded quickly to implement a late-night shopping initiative prior to lock down coming in. A Facebook Christmas Market had been set up on the InDevizes Facebook page and this was being promoted. The hope was to develop and maintain an online interactive map for Devizes independent retailers and to work with similar organisations around the country sharing best practise. Aims included holding further Indie days in the future and to develop training, advice and peer mentoring. Cllr Mayes thanked Ida and Devizes indies for all their work and encouraged residents to shop locally. Cllr Philip Whitehead also encouraged businesses to apply for grants, further details could be found online here


·       Healthwatch Wiltshire

A written update could be seen in agenda supplement 1.


·       Wiltshire NHS

A written update could be seen in agenda supplement 1.


Supporting documents: