Agenda item

Innovating through COVID-19

·         Dorset & Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service – Wayne Presley


·         Local business – Daniel Howe (Dan’s Deli)


·         Tinkers Lane Surgery – Robin Noel


·         Library / LAC


·         Rise Youth, Supporting Young People – Danielle Blake


·         Children’s Centre, supporting families – Deb Skilton


·         Army Welfare Service – Amy Dallimore


Cllr Allison Bucknell introduced various speakers who gave a flavour of their  group/organisation’s experiences during the pandemic throughout the RWB&C community area.


Dorset & Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service – Station Manager Wayne Presley


·         Risk Assessed approach to ‘Safe & Well’


·         Many firefighters were highly trained emergency response drivers and had supported the NHS in the driving of Ambulances


·         Staff had also worked with other partners across the Service area to provide food for those in need, face fit testing for those needing to wear masks and mortuary support roles when this was sadly needed


·         Going forward using Teams meetings more – saving resources and wasted time


·         Good work being carried out with the SW resilience group


·         Fire stations – no plans to close any at the present time



Local business – Daniel Howe (Dan’s Deli)


·         During lockdown the business went on-line doing cheese tasting videos


·         The need to re-invent the businesses retail offering and start on-line interactions with customers


·         That the virtual cheese tasting sessions had been really well attended – a big following had built up


·         Future collaborations with other businesses, doing beer and cheese tasting with a cheese race also planned



Tinkers Lane Surgery – Robin Noel - slide


·         That radical changes had to be brought in very quickly due to the lockdown


·         That by and large, people were now buying into the wearing of masks


·         That community nurses and practice nurses were now doing home visits to spread the load


·         That virtual meeting technology was being used very effectively for many uses throughout the practice


·         That drive/walk through clinics had been a great success



Library – Alison Kileen


·         Delivering the library service in new and innovative models in line with government restrictions


·         Onsite services - bookable public computer access, book browsing and signposting to essential council and partner services


·         Digital services – enhanced offer including eLending, online activities and social media


·         August to end of October library users had made 39,892 visits to libraries,with 6,301 computer bookings and borrowed 128,349 books


·         That the Library offer focused to continue supporting loneliness, support mental health and children’s learning and digital access


·         Planning to move libraries back to a browsing model where possible when lockdown ends on 2 December



Local Area Coordinator – Francis Barrone


·         Business as usual with 40 plus people currently being sign posted to help


·         Many of the people have been helped on-line due to the covid restrictions


·         Lots of Whatsapp and social media use going on


·         When the guidelines change It will be back to face to face meetings where applicable


·         That virtual meeting platforms had been really good way for connecting up people


·         Lots of different challenges that people were facing during the pandemic, that getting people together in virtual groups had been wonderful for self esteem etc


·         That collaboration was key to local area coordination – very diverse and varied



Children’s Centre, supporting families – Deb Skelton - slide


·         Developing Online interventions – adapting all delivery of services to be digitally delivered


·         Helping users to use the new technology


·         That lots of staff training was now being delivered virtually – staff and services changing to an on-line service delivery


·         That Facebook followers had increased massively


·         That community partners had been brilliant to work with during the pandemic



Rise Youth, Supporting Young People – Danielle Blake –


·         Issues for families during the pandemic with home schooling challenges, parental conflicts, domestic abuse, mental health and loneliness issues, parenting difficulties and money worries


·         Outreach Support with tailored virtual methods and Dad’s more involved


·         Face to face visits outside


·         Covid secure home visits


·         That the centre was open – safe space


·         Support calls “Funded 2yr olds” and vulnerable children


·         Delivery of resource, activity packs, food and nappies etc


·         Interventions now being delivered virtually, including, child development, parenting courses, breastfeeding support group, domestic abuse awareness, and new parent courses


Detached youth services


·         Working together with local partners such as Town councils, Police and the CEMS, ensuring that the youth work was delivered in the correct areas and was focused on the wellbeing of the young people

·         Offering young people a listening ear, asking them how they are?

           What support would you like?


·         Engage all the young people we meet to offer a listening ear and signposting to other services as needed. Offering a safe space where young people are. 


·         That good outreach work had been carried out during the pandemic



Army Welfare Service – Amy Dallimore


  • Upping our game using social media platforms, delivering targeted and universal provision via Zoom to service families in Lyneham and wider SW area since May 2020


·         That the Community Centre should be reopening in the near future


·         Looking to set up an Adult support group at Lyneham


Cllr Bucknell felt that there had been lots of great connectivity coming through from all the presenters, thanks to everyone for sharing your experiences.


Supporting documents: