Agenda item

Chairman's Announcements

a.    Information Updates

                      i.        Fair Trade Fortnight

                    ii.        CarShare in Wiltshire


b.    Outcome from recent Consultations

                      i.        Leisure Facilities Review

                    ii.        Car Parking Charges – outcome of Cabinet Decision


c.    Current Consultations

                      i.        Street Trading

                    ii.        Face-to-face Customer Services

                   iii.        Public Protection Enforcement Policy

                   iv.        Childcare Sufficiency Assessment



The Chairman referred to the written announcements set out at pages 17 – 44 of the agenda.


In addition, Wilts and Dorset Buses had announced a change to bus routes affecting the 5, 6, 16, 95, and 96 services.  More information was available at the back of the room.  The Chairman commented that Wilts and Dorset was a private company and so Wiltshire Council would only have limited influence in this issue.


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