Agenda item

20/11601/REM - Land East of Spa Road, Melksham

Reserved Matters for 25 homes forming Phase 1A of outline planning permission originally granted under 14/10461/OUT and varied by consented application 17/09248/VAR. REM approval is sought for all outstanding matters relating to this phase, comprising Scale, Layout, External Appearance, Landscaping, Internal Access Arrangements and the Mix and Type of Housing.


Public Participation

Mareile Feldman spoke in objection of the application.

Joe Ayoubkhani spoke in support of the application.


Senior Conservation and Planning Officer, Jemma Foster, presented the report and recommended that the Committee approves the application for Reserved Matters for 25 homes forming Phase 1A associated to outline planning permission originally granted under 14/10461/OUT and varied by consented application 17/09248/VAR. Reserved Matters approval was sought for all outstanding matters relating to this phase, comprising the Scale, Layout, External Appearance, Landscaping, Internal Access Arrangements and the Mix and Type of Housing.


Details were provided of the site, the principle of development, the impacts upon the area and wider landscape; drainage impacts including the remedial land drainage works to resolve recent off site surface water flooding issues, setting impacts to nearby heritage assets as well as highway and neighbouring impacts.


Members of the Committee had the opportunity to ask technical questions regarding the application. Details were sought on the number of conditions being recommended by officers noting a typographical error within the agenda. Additional clarity was sought on the number of the two bed homes within the application and the allocation/implications for affordable housing. The allocation of parking and inclusion of garages was also queried.


Members of the public then had the opportunity to present their views to the Committee as detailed above.


The local Unitary Member, Councillor Mike Sankey, then spoke regarding the application, which had been called in by the previous ward member (Cllr Holder) prior to the May 2021 election and noted the off-site surface water flooding reasoning for the call-in. Councillor Sankey informed the Committee that he and Councillor Holder had attended a recent virtual and on-site meeting with the developers and had been reassured that the flooding issues had been addressed.


A debate then followed with the following issue being a central point of discussion, the deletion of (2) 2bed and (5) 3bed dwellings from this phase was of some concern as it would reduce the number of the entry level of smaller house types within this part of the scheme (and be replaced by (5) 4bed dwellings, which would not likely be within the budget range for many households. The concern was noted by officers and the remaining spread of 2bed and 3bed homes was explained which officers considered was within acceptable parameters.


A motion to move and accept the officer recommendation was moved by Councillor Ernie Clark and seconded by Councillor Andrew Davis.


At the conclusion of the debate, it was,




Recommendation – Approve subject to the following conditions:


Conditions: (6)


1- The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans: Drawing RP1-PL: 01A (site location plan); Drawing 02-A (context plan); Drawing 03-A (coloured site plan layout); Drawing 03-E (planning layout replan 1); Drawing 04-B (materials plan); Drawing RP1-SS-01A (street scene plan); Drawing 4769-L: 209R (strategic landscape drawing 1 of 5); Drawing 218-O (landscape hedgerowcorridor drawing 1 of 1); Drawing 219-K (landscape boundary 1 of 1); Drawing 22-P (landscape proposal 1 of 4); Drawing RP1-HT: GAR 01 (garage) and GAR-02 (garage); Drawing AVO-18023-CIV-5000 A; Drawing of House Types: RP1-HT: HADLEY-01, ARCHFORD-01A, INGLEBY-01, KIRKDALE-01, AVONDALE-01, AVONDALE-02, HOLDEN-01, CORNELL-01


REASON: For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning


2- The development hereby approved shall be carried out in strict accordance with the Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) approved by the Local Planning Authority under application reference number 19/01795/DOC.


REASON: To ensure the development is undertaken in an acceptable manner, in the interests of preventing pollution of the water environment


3- The materials to be used for the external walls and roofs shall be carried out in accordance with the details approved by the Local Planning Authority under application reference number 19/05715/DOC.


REASON: In the interests of visual amenity and the character and appearance of the area


4- The area of hardstanding adjacent to the Grade II Listed Building that is to be removed shall be carried out in accordance with the method statement that was approved by the Local Planning Authority under application reference 19/01795/DOC.


REASON: In the interest of preserving the Grade II Listed Wall.


5- Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted

Development) (England) Order 2015 (or any Order revoking or re-enacting or amending that Order with or without modification), the garage(s) hereby permitted shall not be converted to habitable accommodation.


REASON: To secure the retention of adequate parking provision, in the interests of highway safety.


6- The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the drainage scheme for the southern area of the site including the associated attenuation pond, landscaping and infrastructure works that was approved by the Local Planning Authority under application reference 19/04603/DOC


REASON: To ensure suitable drainage for the site.

Supporting documents: