
Title Date Effective from Call-ins
Devolution Update ref: 204008/10/202416/10/20240
Recommissioning of Children and Young People's Mental Health Services ref: 204308/10/202416/10/20240
Safety Valve Update ref: 204708/10/202416/10/20240
Chippenham One Plan and Chippenham Avon Project Master Plan ref: 204408/10/202416/10/20240
Wiltshire Council Annual Adoption Service 2023-2024 Year End Report ref: 204808/10/202416/10/20240
Telecare Service Recommissioning ref: 204508/10/202416/10/20240
Household Support Fund ref: 204608/10/202416/10/20240
HSSF-27-24 - INTENTION - Churchfields Road Traffc Regulation Order Amendments, Salisbury ref: 204908/10/202416/10/20240
Wiltshire Local Plan Review - Submission of Draft Plan ref: 204108/10/202416/10/20240
Enforcement Policy ref: 204208/10/202416/10/20240
FDMSP-03-24: Adoption of the Local Development Order - Upgrading Septic Tanks and Small Treatment Plants ref: 203901/10/202409/10/2024Call-in expired
HSSF-26-24: C18 Free's Avenue, Marlborough - Proposed 40mph speed limit ref: 203001/10/202409/10/2024Call-in expired
HSSF-24-24 - Decision Made - Proposed Traffic Regulation Order EV Charging - Sherston ref: 202602/10/202410/10/2024Call-in expired