Issue details

CES-05-24: Approved - Funding for Childcare Expansion

In the Spring Budget 2023 the Chancellor announced the expansion of Early Years Entitlements. This means that by September 2025 working parents of all children over the age of nine months are entitled to 30 hours of government funded childcare. The DfE has allocated £885,466.40 to Wiltshire Council to support the expansion of places.


This funding will be allocated to providers who are also contributing a minimum of 50% towards the project and the spend will be monitored. Providers will be asked to consider best value for money when appointing contractors to undertake work to create additional childcare places.


The report seeks approval to award the following amounts:


ABC Day Nursery                            £84,218

Bebe Tots Nursery & Preschool    £136,000

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 19/07/2024

Decision due: Not before 29 Jul 2024 by Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Children's Services, Education and Skills

Lead member: Cllr Laura Mayes, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Children's Services, Education, and Skills

Lead director: Alison Elliott (Director - Commissioning)

Department: Families and Children

Contact: Lucy-Anne Bryant, 01225 718068, Email:

Consultation process

The early years sector has been informed that the funding is available and how it can be used. Information has been shared through a sufficiency report with Children’s Select Committee.

Funding will be allocated from Expressions of Interest which will be assessed against the following criteria:

·         Demand in the community area.

·         Number of new places for two-year-olds and under

·         Percentage of contributions from the provider.

·         Speed of delivery of places (planning permission, etc).

