Issue details

Hampton Park Country Park

2. To confirm whether the council wants to nominate Laverstock and Ford Parish Council as nominee for Hampton Park Country Park. To confirm he approach the council wish offers to take in respect of negotiations with the developer in respect of the section 106.

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Expenditure > £500,000;

Decision status: For Determination

Notice of proposed decision first published: 24/08/2016

Reason for urgency:
This item is urgent and cannot be reasonably delayed until the next meeting of Cabinet Capital Assets Committee (November 2016) as it relates to a planning application that is being considered by the Planning Committee in September 2016. Approval is needed prior to the planning meeting.

Anticipated restriction: Fully exempt  - View reasons

Explanation of anticipated restriction:
The paper surrounds gaining agreement in principle from Members about the Councils negotiating position in respect of a legal agreement. Effectively its commercially sensitive information for the authority.

Decision due: 13 Sep 2016 by Cabinet Capital Assets Committee

Lead member: Cllr Fleur de Rhé-Philipe MBE, Portfolio Holder for Strategic Highways, Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, European Structural Investment Fund, and Canals

Lead director: Director - HR & OD

Department: HR & OD

Contact: Vincent Albano, Assistant Portfolio Manager - Asset Management Lead Email: Tel: 01225 756198.



Agenda items


  • Hampton Park Country Park  

Background papers