Issue details

Wiltshire Council Adoption Service: 2020/21 Q1-2, 6 Month Report

It is a statutory requirement that the local authority provides assurance to elected members about the effectiveness of Adoption Services within the local authority and how it works for children. It is agreed that this will be done through an annual report and an interim 6-month report to Cabinet. This is the latter report and covers the Q1-2 period of 2020-21.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 30/11/2020

Decision due: 5 Jan 2021 by Cabinet

Lead member: Cllr Laura Mayes, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Children's Services, Education, and Skills

Lead director: Interim Director - Families & Children

Department: Families and Children

Contact: Iona Payne, Head of Children in Care and Young People Email:, Matthew Turner, Service Manager - Placement Services Email: Tel: 01225 712541, Lynn Wheeler, Business Support Officer Email: Tel: 01225 713235.

Consultation process




Agenda items


  • Wiltshire Council Adoption Service: 2020/21 Q1-2, 6 Month Report