Forward plan

Standards Committee Forward Plan - April to July 2011  (01/04/2011 to 31/07/2011, Standards Committee (old regime))

Plan items
No. Item


Minutes of Sub Committees

Decision maker:  Standards Committee (old regime)

Decision due:   18 May 2011


Annual Report on Dispensations Granted

Decision maker:  Standards Committee (old regime)

Decision due:   18 May 2011


Re-appointment of Sub-Committees

Decision maker:  Standards Committee (old regime)

Decision due:   18 May 2011


Status Report on Complaints made under the Code of Conduct

Decision maker:  Standards Committee (old regime)

Decision due:   18 May 2011


Outcome of Standards Committee Hearings

Decision maker:  Standards Committee (old regime)

Decision due:   18 May 2011