Voting record

 Budget and Council Tax Setting Meeting, Council, Tuesday 25 February 2020 10.30 am

Item: Treasury Management Strategy 2020/2021

Treasury Management Strategy 2020/21:

Motion status:Carried

That Council:

a)         Adopt the Minimum Revenue Provision Policy (paragraph 32 – 34)

b)         Adopt the Prudential and Treasury Indicators (paragraphs 24 – 31, 40 – 48 and Appendix A)

c)         Adopt the Annual Investment Strategy (paragraph 77 onwards).

d)         Delegate to the Director of Finance and Procurement the authority to vary the amount of borrowing and other long-term liabilities within the Treasury Indicators for the Authorised Limit and the Operational Boundary

e)         Authorise the Director of Finance and Procurement to agree the restructuring of existing long-term loans where savings are achievable or to enhance the long-term portfolio

f)          Agree that short term cash surpluses and deficits continue to be managed through temporary loans, deposits and money market funds

g)         Agree that any surplus cash balances not required to cover borrowing are placed in the most appropriate specified or non-specified investments, particularly where this is more cost effective than short term deposits and delegate to the Director of Finance and Procurement the authority to select such funds

h)         Adopt the Third Party Loans Policy (paragraph 93 and Appendix F)

ForCllr Phil Alford, Cllr Chuck Berry, Cllr Ian Blair-Pilling, Cllr Richard Britton, Cllr Allison Bucknell, Cllr Pauline Church, Cllr Richard Clewer, Cllr Mark Connolly, Cllr Brian Dalton, Cllr Jane Davies, Cllr Andrew Davis, Cllr Matthew Dean, Cllr Sarah Gibson MP, Cllr Gavin Grant, Cllr Ross Henning, Cllr Sven Hocking, Cllr Nick Holder, Cllr Ruth Hopkinson, Cllr Jon Hubbard, Cllr Peter Hutton, Cllr Tony Jackson, Cllr Simon Jacobs, Cllr George Jeans, Cllr Johnny Kidney, Cllr Carole King, Cllr Gordon King, Cllr Edward Kirk, Cllr Jerry Kunkler, Cllr Jacqui Lay, Cllr Dr Brian Mathew, Cllr Laura Mayes, Cllr Ian McLennan, Cllr Christopher Newbury, Cllr Ashley O'Neill, Cllr Paul Oatway QPM, Cllr Stewart Palmen, Cllr Horace Prickett, Cllr Pip Ridout, Cllr Ricky Rogers, Cllr Tom Rounds, Cllr Jonathon Seed, Cllr Ian Thorn, Cllr Jo Trigg, Cllr Bridget Wayman, Cllr Stuart Wheeler, Cllr Philip Whitehead, Cllr Suzanne Wickham, Cllr Christopher Williams, Cllr Graham Wright and Cllr Robert Yuill50
AgainstCllr Trevor Carbin and Cllr Ernie Clark2
AbstainCllr Dr Nick Murry1
Conflict Of InterestsNone0
Non-votingCllr Howard Greenman and Cllr James Sheppard2
Not PresentNone0