Meeting attendance

Thursday 10 February 2011 10.30 am, Joint Overview & Scrutiny Select Committee Meeting

Please note that attending Committee meetings is only one part of a Councillor’s role, and some Councillors also serve on other authorities such as Town and Parish Councils, or Police/Fire/National Park authorities, which can sometimes result in meeting clashes. In some instances, reasons have been given for why Councillors have not attended meetings. Please also note that there may be minor (i.e. <1%) discrepancies in statistics prior to October 2012 due to inconsistencies in how the data was recorded.

Venue:   Council Chamber, County Hall, Trowbridge

Contact:    Sharon Smith

Meeting attendance
Attendee Role Attendance Attendance comment
Cllr Desna Allen Committee Member Present
Laurie Bell Officer In attendance
Cllr Chuck Berry Committee Member Absent
Peter Biggs Non-elected, non-voting Apologies
Mark Boden - Director of Neighbourhood and Planning Officer In attendance
Mandy Bradley Officer In attendance
Cllr John Brady County Councillor In attendance
Carlton Brand (Corporate Director Resources) Officer In attendance
Andrew J Brown Officer In attendance
Cllr Rosemary Brown Committee Member Present
Cllr Allison Bucknell County Councillor In attendance
Cllr Jane Burton Committee Member Apologies
Cllr Trevor Carbin Substitute In attendance
Cllr Nigel Carter Committee Member Present
Cllr Chris Caswill Committee Member Absent
Cllr Ernie Clark County Councillor In attendance
Cllr Richard Clewer County Councillor In attendance
Cllr Christopher Cochrane County Councillor Apologies
Cllr Peter Colmer Committee Member Present
Cllr Christine Crisp Committee Member Absent
Alistair Cunningham Officer In attendance
Mrs Di Dale Non-elected, non-voting Absent
Cllr Paul Darby Committee Member Absent
Mr Chris Dark Non-elected, non-voting Absent
Cllr Andrew Davis Committee Member Present
Cllr Peter Davis Committee Member Apologies
Cllr Tony Deane Committee Member Present
Cllr Christopher Devine Committee Member Present
Cllr Mary Douglas Committee Member Absent
Cllr Peter Doyle Committee Member Expected
Mrs Judith Finney Non-elected, non-voting Absent
Cllr Nick Fogg Committee Member Apologies
Cllr Peter Fuller Committee Member Present
Cllr Richard Gamble County Councillor In attendance
Carolyn Godfrey - Director of Children and Education Officer In attendance
Cllr Jose Green Committee Member Apologies
Cllr Mark Griffiths Committee Member Present
Cllr Mollie Groom Committee Member Present
Cllr Lionel Grundy OBE County Councillor In attendance
Cllr Russell Hawker Committee Member Present
John Hawkins Non-elected, non-voting Absent
Cllr Mike Hewitt Committee Member Present
Cllr Malcolm Hewson Committee Member Absent
Cllr Alan Hill Committee Member Absent
Cllr Charles Howard Committee Member Present
Cllr Jon Hubbard Committee Member Present
Michael Hudson Officer In attendance
Cllr Chris Humphries Committee Member Apologies
Cllr Peter Hutton Committee Member Present
Cllr Tom James MBE Committee Member Apologies
Cllr David Jenkins County Councillor In attendance
Rev. Alice Kemp Non-elected, voting Absent
Chris King Non-elected, non-voting Absent
Cllr Jerry Kunkler County Councillor In attendance
Cllr Jacqui Lay Committee Member Present
Cllr Alan Macrae County Councillor In attendance
Phil Matthews Non-elected, non-voting Present
Cllr Laura Mayes County Councillor In attendance
Cllr Ian McLennan Committee Member Present
Cllr Jemima Milton County Councillor In attendance
Cllr Bill Moss Committee Member Present
Cllr John Noeken County Councillor In attendance
Cllr Stephen Oldrieve Committee Member Absent
Cllr Helen Osborn Committee Member Present
Cllr Jeff Osborn Chairman Present
Mr Neil Owen Non-elected, voting Absent
Cllr Mark Packard County Councillor In attendance
Cllr Sheila Parker County Councillor In attendance
Cllr Nina Phillips Committee Member Present
Maggie Rae (Joint Corporate Director Health and Wellbeing) Officer In attendance
Cllr Leo Randall Committee Member Absent
Cllr Fleur de Rhe-Philipe County Councillor In attendance
Cllr Pip Ridout Committee Member Present
Cllr William Roberts Committee Member Present
Cllr Ricky Rogers Committee Member Absent
Cllr Judy Rooke Committee Member Present
Mrs Rosheen Ryan Non-elected, voting Apologies
Cllr Jane Scott OBE County Councillor In attendance
Cllr Jonathon Seed Committee Member In attendance
Mark Smith Officer Present
Cllr Carole Soden Committee Member Apologies
Cllr Toby Sturgis County Councillor In attendance
Dr Mike Thompson Non-elected, voting Apologies
Cllr John Thomson County Councillor In attendance
Cllr Dick Tonge County Councillor In attendance
Cllr Anthony Trotman County Councillor In attendance
Brian Warwick Non-elected, non-voting Absent
Cllr Bridget Wayman County Councillor In attendance
Cllr Stuart Wheeler County Councillor In attendance
Cllr Roy While County Councillor In attendance
Cllr Christopher Williams County Councillor In attendance