Meeting attendance

Wednesday 20 January 2010 7.00 pm, Malmesbury Area Board

Please note that attending Committee meetings is only one part of a Councillor’s role, and some Councillors also serve on other authorities such as Town and Parish Councils, or Police/Fire/National Park authorities, which can sometimes result in meeting clashes. In some instances, reasons have been given for why Councillors have not attended meetings. Please also note that there may be minor (i.e. <1%) discrepancies in statistics prior to October 2012 due to inconsistencies in how the data was recorded.

Venue:   Ashton Keynes Village Hall, Park Place, Ashton Keynes, Swindon, SN6 6NT

Contact:    Alexa Smith (Democratic Services Officer)
Tel: 01249 706612/ Email:

Meeting attendance
Attendee Role Attendance Attendance comment
Sergeant Martin Alvis Public Expected
Ellen Blacker Public Expected
Deborah Bourne Public Expected
Mrs Deborah Bourne Public Expected
Fran Bowling Public Expected
Guy Bridge Public Expected
Mrs G Holdsworth Public Expected
Simon Burne Public Expected
Mr P J Campaigne Public Expected
Michael Bromley Gardner Public Expected
Insp Steven Cox Public Expected
Danielle Crawford Public Expected
John Cull Public Expected
Catherine Doody Public Expected
Mr Fraser Public Expected
Miranda Gilmour Public Present
Michael Bromley Gardner Public Expected
Bernard Ingham Public Expected
Sid Jevons Public Expected
Cllr Simon Killane Committee Member Present
Mr J Parmiter Public Expected
Roger Lee Public Expected
Mrs J G Lenton Public Expected
Libraries & Heritage Headquarters Public Expected
George Lynham Public Expected
Marianne Magennis Public Expected
Mr J Penfold Public Expected
Mr J Marsh Public Expected
Terry Mockler Public Expected
Tony Pooley Public Expected
Martin Rea Public Expected
Claire Skinner Officer Expected
Alexa Smith Secretary Present
Cllr Carole Soden Committee Member Present
Cllr Toby Sturgis Committee Member Present
Cllr John Thomson Committee Member Present
Graham Thorne Public Expected
John Tremayne Public Expected
John Tremayne Public Expected
Mr T Tremlett Public Expected
Mrs E Walker Public Expected
Mrs Jenny Warner Public Expected
Sue Webb Public Expected
Cllr Stuart Wheeler Committee Member Present
Jacqui White Public Present
Mark Wilkins Public Expected
Mrs S Wood Public Expected
Mrs Sarah Wood Public Expected