1. Apologies
To receive apologies for absence.
2. Declarations of Interest
To receive declarations of interest from members as appropriate in respect of matters contained in this agenda, in accordance with the provisions of the Local Government Act 2000 and the West Wiltshire District Council Code of Conduct.
3. Announcements from the Chairman
4. Minutes
To approve as a correct record and sign the minutes of the meeting held on 21 January 2009 (PDF, new window).
5. Questions from Members of the Public
None have been received in writing.
6. Annual Report of the Scrutiny Committee
View report (PDF, new window)
7. Annual Report of the Audit Committee
View report (PDF, new window)
8. Reports of Committees
This is an opportunity for Members to receive and note the minutes of meetings and to raise questions on them. It is not an opportunity to challenge the accuracy of the minutes, as each Member body will be asked to approve them as a correct record at their next meeting.
(a) The Chairmen of each member body listed below will present their respective minutes for the Council’s information.
(b) Each Chairman will be given a brief opportunity to make any important announcements concerning the work of their respective committees.
(c) To receive questions from Members on points of information or clarification.
9. Notices of Motion
No Notices of Motion were received within the appropriate deadline.
10. Questions from Members of the Council
None received at time of printing.
11. Representatives on Outside Bodies - Reporting Back
To receive reports from Members on their attendance at meetings of outside bodies.
12. Update on Local Government Re-organisation
A verbal update from Cllrs Rod Eaton and Tony Phillips OBE.
13. Urgent Departure Decisions - Reporting Back
In accordance with Paragraph 8 (d) of the Executive Procedure Rules, to report to Council any urgent departure decisions taken. At the time of publishing this agenda, no such decisions had been made.
14. Chairman's closing remarks