Decision details

Financial Year 2024/25 - Quarter Two Capital Budget Monitoring

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: For Determination

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Quarterly Capital Budget
Monitoring report for
financial year 2024/25




Cabinet is asked to approve:


a)    the virement from Early Years and Childcare (£0.021m) and Schools Maintenance and Modernisation (£0.004m) to support additional works required through Access and Inclusion;


b)    the virement of £0.109m from Fleet Vehicles to Waste to facilitate improved financial oversight of waste vehicle purchases;


c)    the removal of £1.370m grant funding from the HUG 2 programme as agreed with the Department of Energy Security and Net Zero (DESNZ);


d)    The grant income applied for and/or received as set out in Appendix C and Appendix D.


Cabinet is asked to note:


e)    The additional budgets added to the programme of £13.342m under Chief Finance Officer delegated powers;


f)     the removal of £1.370m budget under Chief Finance Officer delegated powers;


g)    the end of year 2023/24 budget adjustment of £0.077m;


h)    the budgets brought forward from future years into the 2024/25 programme totalling £4.886m under Chief Finance Officer delegated powers;


i)      the budgets reprogrammed from 2024/25 into future years totalling £16.301m under Chief Finance Officer delegated powers;


j)      Budget Movements between Schemes as detailed in Appendix A;


k)    the revised 2024/25 Capital Programme forecast as at quarter two of £226.355m;


l)      the capital spend as of 30 June 2024 of £67.931m


m)  the use of £0.300m of earmarked reserves to enable Adults and Children’s Services to undertake a feasibility study of potential sites for accommodation



Reason for Decision:


To inform effective decision making and ensure sound financial management as part of the Councils overall control environment.


To inform Cabinet on the financial position of the Council on the 2024/25 capital programme as at quarter two (30 September 2024).


Other reasons / organisations consulted


Contact: Lizzie Watkin, Corporate Director - Resources (s.151 Officer) Email: Tel: 01225 713056.

Report author: Cabinet Report Management Group

Publication date: 19/11/2024

Date of decision: 19/11/2024

Decided at meeting: 19/11/2024 - Cabinet

Effective from: 27/11/2024

Accompanying Documents: